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Common Core Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): English I
Teacher(s): Ms. Frantz

Grade: 9th

School: Forestview


( # 2,3,4 only)

1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:

9-10.RL.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings;
analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and
place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).
9-10.RI.6: Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that
point of view or purpose.
2. Learning Target(s): (What will students know & be able to do as a result of
Students will be able to recognize satire and
this lesson?)
specifically apply it to the short story
Harrison Bergeron.

3. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in

the real world? Why are these outcomes essential for future learning?)

4. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students
know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What specific criteria
will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this
lessons outcomes look like?)

Satire is a useful, entertaining tool when

showing contradictions or flaws. Students
need to be able to recognize and have the
option of using it when making an
Students will complete a worksheet that
specifically applies to their satirical news
article. They will also be asked to directly
apply it to Harrison Bergeron.

5. Activities/Tasks: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will you use these learning experiences or their
student products as formative assessment opportunities?)

Students are given different news articles (there are four of them).

After reading and discussing in a group, students share a summary and their reaction of their assigned news article.
Students are then told that their news articles are really examples of satire and therefore not true.
Students take notes on satire and the elements that make-up satire (hyperbole, ridicule, irony, incongruity, reversal,
Students already know the different types of irony (dramatic, situational, and verbal) but the terms will be
The different between parody and satire is also discussed.
Students are shown clips from The Colbert Report and other current satirical examples including the music video YOLO-You Outta Look Out.
Students are then introduced to Harrison Bergeron
They read the story for homework and identify the usage of satire
In the next class, AP Preparatory students will create their own satire.

6. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)
Satirical news articles
Guided notes (students already have these)
Short story Harrison Bergeron

7. Access for All: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage appropriately in this lesson?
Consider all aspects of student diversity.)
Everything will be supplied in classthe articles were chosen because they are issues that all students can understand and
relate to.

8. Modifications/Accommodations: (What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations will you make for
Students with Disabilities in your class? Be as specific as possible.)

Some groups may be given shorter, lower lexical level articles or groups will heterogeneous where the higher level students
may help explain and elaborate to the lower level students.

Common Core Aligned Lesson: Reflection

Does this lesson reflect one of the shifts in instruction (see Common Core Shifts documents on If so, please describe which shift is addressed and how?
In addition, please choose ONE question below to respond to after you have taught the lesson OR create your
own question and respond to it after you have taught the lesson.





support 21st Century Skills?

reflect academic rigor?
cognitively engage students?
engage students in collaborative learning and enhance their collaborative learning skills?

You are also encouraged to use a facilitated Learning from Student Work protocol to review and reflect on student
work related to this lesson.

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