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88-CE BIO PAPER | HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AUTHORITY HONG KONG CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION £9 Re-— BIOLOGY PAPER} 8.30 am-10.00 am (13 hours) * | 4 EXAMINATION 191 ‘This paper must be answered in English 1. Attempt THREE questions only, 4. he dipams ot peta NT | i i sscesior1 vo @ @ B8CE-BI0 1-2 Using the letters in the diagram, state TWO different parts which provide support to the stem. Based on its structure, explain how each part can catry out this support function, (6 marks) When this plant is placed in direct sunlight for a few hours, explain why the stem might be unable to remain upright. (2 marks) im 1. (®) The following experiment was set up to study the anaerobic respiration of yeast cells. The air temperature was maintained at 27°C throughout the experiment. rubber stoppers pent <<] boiled water + glucose boiled water + yeast + yeast flask A flask B After 40 minutes, the rates of respiration in the two flasks were compared by measuring the change in liquid levels in the graduated pipettes. The results are shown below Flak | Flak 3 Rise in liquid level (em) | 3.1 05 (State and explain TWO precautions used in this experiment to ensure that the yeast cells were under anaerobic conditions, (4 marks) Explain why the liquid level of the pipette in flask 4 rose at the end of the experiment, (marks) (Gi) Suggest a reason for the drop in the liquid level of the pipette in Mask B. (1 mark) (i) By comparing the results observed in flasks A and B, what conclusion ean be drawn about the condition for anaerobic, respiration (mark) 8808-810 1-3 m 1. © @__ Distinguish between ‘excretion’ and ‘egestion’ (2 marks) (@) (1) Name TWO excretory substances that are produced by the ‘human body. (2) For each substance named in (1), state where it is formed, and by which process itis formed. (mus) (i) healthy man drank two glasses of distilled water at time A and ‘two more at time B. The chart below shows the volume of urine collected at halfthour intervals when the man tried to empty his bladder. The same environmental conditions were maintained ‘throughout the whole period. 150. 8 volume of urine collected (em? ) -+ (1) Explain why the volume of urine produced was greatly increased after drinking water at time A, aa) (2) Suggest reason to explain why the man’s response to drinking water at time B was different from that at time A. (2 marks) ‘ (3) _ Urine is stil formed by the body even when there is no water intake foratongime (4, I2hows) Why? ay t B8CE-BI0 1-4 be) o @ a) ww) BBCEBIO IS (@) The following diagram shows a section through s human heed nasal cavity Identify structure B, (mark) State ONE characteristic feature of the inner surface of C and give its funetion, (2 marks) ‘What isthe action of 4 during swallowing ? Why is this action important ? (2 marks) [Name the fluid secreted from D Give TWO functions of this secretion. (3 marks) - 18 2 (b) The following experiment was performed to investigate the effects of sucrose solution on the appearance of epidermal cells of a leaf. Eight similar strips of leaf epidermis were put separately into sucrose solutions of different concentrations. After 10 minutes, each strip was mounted. ‘on a microscope slide with a drop of the solution in which it had been immersed. When an area covering about 20 cells from each strip was ‘examined under the microscope, the number of plasmolysed cells was counted, The results are shown in the table below Sucrose Number of | Total number concentration | plasmolysed | of cells (mol dm) calls examined 0.00 ° 2 aos 0 20 0.10 0 18 os 1 2» 0.20 3 20 16 20 0.30 19 19 035 a 2 (@ Why should the epidermal strips be kept in the sucrose solutions for at least 10 minutes before being examined under the microscope ? (1 mark) (i) Plot a graph of the percentage of plasmolysed cells against the concentration of sucrose solution. (4 marks) (iil) From the graph in (W), find the percentage of plasmolysed cells ‘when the sucrose concentration is 0.22 mol dmv Explain fully why at this concentration some cells were plasmolysed while others were not (5 marks) 15 eece-a10 1-6 % © When aitrogenous fetes was regularly added toa com-elda good 3. (@) In an experiment, a normal petson A and a person B with a defective Pancreas were starved for 12 hours, and were then allowed to drink an equal volume of the same glucose solution. The blood glucose concentration of each person was measured immediately and then at halfhour intervals, The results ae shown inthe graph below harvest was obtained. © State ONE feature ofthe roots which factitates the absorption of fertilizer by com plants. Explain the importance of this feature, (marks) State ONE reason why good aeration of the soil i important for the better absorption of fertilizer by plants, en mar Gt) ‘Suggest TWO ways by which the amount of fertilizer in the ornfield soil might be reduced, (2 marks) (0) The following graph shows th changes inthe amounts of alge and bacteria in a freshwater stream, when water from this cornfield ‘as drained into the stream at point X. blood glucose concentration (mg per 100 cm? of blood) t ; i 3 2 ti234s67 2, 4 is intake of distance downstream from X (km) -+ . ‘lucose solution (1) Suggest a reason to account for the increase in (the algal population immediately after point X. ! — (1) the bacterial population further downstream, i © Explain why the blood giueose concentration of person A rose (¢maris) ducing the frst hour, a 2) At which distance downstream from X would you expect to are = f (W) For person A, state TWO processes that took place in his liver to pod a drop in the fish population ? “Explain your | lower the blood glucose concentration after the first hour (G smarks) ! (2 marks) (This question is to be continued on the next page.) ‘88-CE-B10 1-7 "" 176 i BB-CE-BIO I-8 Lad sece8101-9 (Gi) When the blood glucose concentration ofa person exceeds 180 mg er 100 em of blood, glucose appears in the urine. State the Period in which glucose might appear in the urine of person B. (mark) (1) Describe atest used to detect the presence of glucose in sample of urine, (2 marie) () What function does the pancreas of person 2 filo cary out that ‘results in his high blood glucose concentration ? (1 mark) Br mice, the fur colour is controlled by a pai of alleles. The allele for (isck fur (B) is dominant over that for brown fur (B). Two black mace {(he parental generation) were allowed to mate several limes, sad hae Fr offspring were always black. When the F, mice were allowed inca none themseives, a total of 80 F; offipring were produced, of which 74 were black and 6 were brown, @ Based on the fur colours of the F, and F; generations, state the Probable genotype(s) of the F, mice, genotype(s) mi marks i) Use a genetic diagram to show how the brown F; mice were Produced from the Fy mice. @ marks) GH) “Suggest the probable genotype(®) of the parental generation. (2 marks) Gv) What breeding experiment would you perform to confirm the Benotype of each parent ? Explain your answer. Gms) 178 88-cE.B10 (©) The following photomicrograph shows the lower surface of a leaf me (Identify cell types A and 8. (2 marks) @) How is the cell wall of A different from that of B as shown in the photomicrograph ? How is this feature of the cell wall related to the function of A ? (@ marks) (Gi) Under normal daylight conditions, what substances have a NET flow out of an intact leaf through C' on (Gv) State and explain how the size of C affects a plant in its rate of (1) photosynthesis, (2) water uptake from the soil. can 179 ‘4 (@) The diagram beiow shows a section ofa human eye : 0 @ (ii) @) 8ce.8101-11 “A {Wa person is watching a nearby object which is moving away from ‘wm, what change will occur in the shape of structure ot ? \escribe how this change can be brought about eee mgt 7 (3 marks) Nate the change in the size of B when the person walks out from a ‘stk room into bright daylight. "hat is the significance of this change ? eon) Uescribe how the eye and the nervous system work together to ‘Seing about the reflex in (ii). me) Ww may a small object be seen by the person whem its image falls spot wy ox? wy ¥en SS efly explain your answer. (4maris) 180 (b) The following diagrams show three different reproductive structures A; B and C, and the respective reproductive cells D, E and F formed from them a structures a I ¢ I) °° sere a8 ° roducre : e 886.810 1-12 (@)Inwhat medium is aD @ F released from its reproductive structure ? Describe how each travels from one place to another after its release (4 marks) (i) D, E and F are always produced in large numbers. What is the advantage of this feature ? (1 mark) (This question isto be continued on the next page.) 181 4, (©) GW State ONE feature of B, as shown in the diagram, which helps the co cua Abteading of E, nes (jv) What different roles are played by E and Fin reproduction ? (marks) 4. (©) The folowing photomicrographs show four different stages of mitosis in the cells of a plant 4 c @ Name structure X. ‘What isthe importance of in a cell? What is happening to X in stage D? (3 marks) (@)_ Which photomicrograph shows a mature cell at a stage just before call division ? Starting from this tage, arrange the above photomicrographs in the ‘correct sequence of mitosis by using the letters provided. (2 marks) (i) State how the number of Xin the daughter cells formed by meiosis is different from that formed by mitosis in the same plant, What is the significance of this difference ? : (2 marks) BCE-8I0 I-13 182 5. (@)_ The following experiment was performed in the dark using oat seedlings, .» + A mumber of coleoptile tips were. placed horizontally, and fixed to each -- tip were two agar blocks, X and ¥, as shown in diagram A. After several hhours, the agar blocks were transferred to a coleoptile and a root whose tips had been removed as shown in diagram B, The results were observed tier I hours, Diagam A Digam 8 (denen) (idewew) 4 xy % afer 12 hows Ae Moet pep cisptin coleopie e sex bock " ’ xy a after 12 hous decaited root (@ Explain the result observed on the decapitated coleoptile on a hormonal sts al basi (3 marks) (i) plain why a dent saponse was sown by the decapitated on a (hi quetion sto continued on the next page.) seceaiorse 183 50,0, agama ete ri see. reek and'@ was placed on '@ rotating clinostat, as shown in diagram C ch fetamn Metre “ ~* * of.a decapitated coleoptile as in the previous experiment, ee os a Diagram C agar block p — “Uizostat agar block Q 5 0) pon rons sn fn: f (Gi) State TWO functions of the Auid in D, (@ marks) 88-CE.BIO 1-15 ~ 184 ee ee age a Eee nerarmeneweeee (©) In portion of the circulatory pathway of « mammal, blood ftom the heart flows through three types of blood vessels 4, 8 and C in twin, before retuning to the heért. The graph below shows the changes in blood oxygen content and blood pressure along 4, B and C. (Blood vesseis A, B and C are not of the same length.) = + blood oxygen t content a 3 blood pressure B c HEART HEART direction of blood flow (Whar type of blood vessel is 4? Give TWO reasons to support ‘your answer. G marks) (@) How does the blood oxygen content change as the blood flows along vessel 8? Suggest an organ where this change can occur, (@ marks) (Gl) Describe the process that leads to the change in (ii). (2 marks) iv) Identify blood vessel C. Which chamber of the heart receives blood from C? (2 marks) (0) Apart from oxygen content, state TWO differences in composition ‘between the blood in 4 and in C, (2 marks) END OF PAPER BacesI0 1-16 185

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