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South Carolina During World War I 8-6.

World War I Alliances. 1995. Web. 18 June 2014.

South Carolina was reflective of the nation as a whole during the first half of the 1900s. To
understand how the states status changed, you should be able to explain the reasons for
United States involvement in World War I. In addition, you should be able to explain the wars
impact on South Carolina and the entire nation, including the building of military bases and the
economic impact of emigration to industrial jobs in the North.
1. How do you think Americans
reacted when they read the
headline from the paper pictured to
the right?
RMS Lusitania. 2007. Web. 18 June

At the beginning of World War I, the United States declared neutrality. However, a number of
factors would change this. The longtime relationship with Britain and German actions such as
unconditional submarine warfare against non-warships (such as the Lusitania) led many
Americans to side with the allies. The interception of the Zimmermann Telegram in which
Germany asked Mexico to attack the USA in return for lands in the American Southwest made
Americans even angrier. This coupled with the continued submarine warfare was enough to
take America to war, which caused the war to end shortly afterwards.

2. Why do you think Germany

believed Mexico might find the
offer of land in the Southwestern
United States tempting?
Zimmerman Political Cartoon.
2013. Web. 18 June 2014.

United States involvement in the war caused a surge of patriotism in America among both
whites and African Americans. While things remained segregated, South Carolinians served in
the military with distinction and did their part to conserve gasoline and food on the home front.
Anti-German sentiment grew and many things having to do with German heritage were
discontinued or changed. For instance, residents changed the name of Hamburg, SC to North
3. Why do you think the artist included
Abraham Lincoln looking over the American
soldiers in the picture to the right?
African American Soldiers Painting. 1929. Web. 18 June 2014.

The war was very good for South Carolina economically. Farm crop prices increased due to
demand during the war, particularly cotton. A number of military bases like Camp Jackson were
established in the state and Parris Island and the Charleston Navy Yard grew in preparation for
the war. These military bases brought in lots of federal money and stimulated the local

4. What are some ways a military base might stimulate the economy and
bring money to South Carolina?
Camp Jackson. 1921. Web. 18 June 2014

African Americans served both in the military and in the factories producing war goods.
However, many of the soldiers returned home to a segregated and racist South. Having fought
for democracy, they protested for improvements. In the year following the war, race riots and
lynchings claimed the lives of many African Americans, some were soldiers still wearing their

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