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Expressing location, destination, and origin: Prepositions + Place Names

In french there are multiple prepositions that you put in front of prepositions. It is
determined by whether or not it is a city, continent, countries or a U.S. state. Reasonings for each
one is listed below.
Regarding cities you use (to, at or in) and de (from)
Ex: Sofia est de Stockholm [Sofia is from Stockholm.]
Ex: Karly habite West Chester. [Karly is from West Chester]
U.S. States:
US states are masculine and feminine. All states are masculine except la Californie, la Caroline
du Nord et du Sud, la Floride, La Gorgie, La Louisiane, La Pennsylvanie, La Virginie, La
Masculine names use le and feminine names use en and de Masculine uses dans le and du.
Continents, countries and provinces:
The preposition depends on masculine, feminine or plural. In most cases continents, countries
and provinces that end in -e are feminine. Les tats-Unis and Les Pays-Bas are plural.
All feminine and
masculine starting with
a vowel

Other Masculine


In, To

En Sude, En Iran

Au Canada

Aux tats-Unis


De France, DIsral

Du Sngal

Des tats-Unis

Ex: Je vais au Canada. [I am going to Canada]

Ex: Sofia vient de Sude. [Sofia comes from Sweden.]
Ex: Jess va aux tats-Unis demain. [Jess is going to the United States tomorrow.]
Exercice One:
1. Elle est


2. Il revient la maison partir

3. Elle ne est pas


Sude en ce moment.

4. Nous sommes
5. Elle habite


Exercice Two: Put the places into a sentence using the right preposition.
1. Paris
2. Canada
3. Florida
4. Connecticut
5. The United States

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