Water Cycle Stage 2-5

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Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence

Performance Tasks
How is the water cycle connected to life on Earth
UH OH! The Water Cycle Broke Down!
Breaking news, the water cycle has stopped working correctly! Our on site newscaster
will be visiting three different places to show how the breaking down of the water cycle
impacts our daily lives. Create a 3-4 minute video showing how if one part of the water
cycle breaks down than it impacts our daily lives. You must have three examples
included in your newscast. You are able to leave the classroom with permission from the
teacher to film various examples. Once you have created your video, you will be sharing
it with a producer from the local news station.
What are the different points of view about conserving water?
Its drought season, how can we conserve water?
You live in an area where there are often droughts and the water supply is limited during
the winter months. As the head of the water authority in your town, the mayor came to
you because the city council will be taking on the idea of water conservation. The mayor
has asked you create a poster showing the pros and cons of conserving water. Your
poster must include 2-3 examples for both the pros and the cons. You will be presenting
this poster to the mayor of the town who will then be taking it to the city council to
discuss water conservation .

Other Evidence
Worksheets There will be worksheets to go along with the various concepts within the
unit. As the worksheets are completed, they can be collected to check for students
Quizzes There will be a quiz that requires the students to identify and describe the
stages of the water cycle. There will also be a quiz about how water impacts our lives.
Model The students will be creating a model to show the different steps involved in the
water cycle.
Sort Sort many different situations into either conservation or wasting of water.
Brochure The students will be creating a brochure presenting three to five ways to

conserve water to share with friends to inform them how to conserve water.
Class Debate there will be a debate where the students will defend their opinion of
how water impacts our life and why we need it to survive. The students will prepare
arguments for both sides of the debate.
Song As a class, we will be learning a water cycle song with motions. The students
will then be able to use this song to remember the stages of the water cycle. It will be
sung many times throughout the unit to reinforce the stages.

Metacognition: Students will self assess and reflect throughout the entire unit, after each
How will you have students think about the content throughout the unit and after the
pbes? (self-reflection)
How will you have students think about themselves as learners throughout the unit and
after the pbes? (self-assessment)

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