E4 Questions

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OHMS LAW AND KIRCHHOFF'S LAW A Wire of resistance of 9Q fis bent to forman equilateral trlangle. A cel? is connected between any two vertices, then the ratio the larger to smaller currents through the branches is a) 924 b) S21 c)as1 d) 32 2. An electric fan and a heater are marked as 100W, 220 V and 1000W, 220 V respectively. The ratio of their resistance is 3. The temperature at which the resistance of conductor is three times that at ©°C fs (TGR of the material = 0.008Pe) a)250K b) 528K ¢)250K d) 2500K 4.1If one million electrons pass through a section of a wire in one microsecond, the resulting current in the wire is 5. A cell supplies a current of 0.9 A through a 20 resistor and current of 0.3 A througha 7 © resistor. Then internal resistance of the cellis 6 A coll is embodied ih a block of fice dlacad ihn an Insulated] ber If a current of 1 A ts pass’ Ghrenga dhe coll by applying a potential Aferenes of 170 V across i the amount of iee melted in one heur is (lige © 340 Kg) aigkg B)OSkg el)2kg diky 7.4 copper wire of length 50 em and areacf cross-section 10%m? carries a current of 1 A. If che resistivity of copper is 1.8x10%Q m, che electiic field across the wire is a) 0.09 Vint b) 0.0098 Vaart ce) 0.018 Vm d) 0.000 Vm 8A current of 2A passes through a copper volktameten, If the @.6.e. of copperis 3.8 x 104gG-1 the time taken to deposit 1 gram of copper is nearhy equal Go a) 20 min b) 25 min ¢) 30 min d) 35 min 9. The masses of three copper wires TCM Mecho Pe re mim Uit-l im Cit hdilcy Flew date M ech de ete Medel | their electrical resistances is 10. The effective resistance of a three resisters connected fn parallel fis x ohm. When one of the resistors fs removed, the efiective resistance becomes vy ohm. The resistance of the resistor thatis removed is a) xy b) xy ©) (yx) d) xy (ety) — (yx) 11.A strip of copper (Cu) and another germanium (Ge) are cooled from room temperature to 80K. Then conductance of a) Each of these decreases b) Each of these increases c) Cu decreases and that of Ge increases d) Cu increases and that of Ge decreases 12. A carbon resistorhasa resistance of2k© Then colour of 34 band is a) Orange b) Red c) Brown b) Yellow ie In the given circuit, current through 40Q is In the given circuit, effective resistance betweenA and B is 15.Six resistors each of resistance R are connected as shown. Effective resistance between A and B is 16. [7 the resistivity of the matertal of a cube of side OSm is1.2x106m. Then resistance between its opposite faces is a)1.2uQ b)0.6pQ e) 2.4pQ d)0.3 na 17. In the given cireult current through 1.50 at steady state fis a) 1 18. If the radius of a wire carrying current fis doubled, the dritt velocity of the electrons will be a) Uncharged b) halved.. 6) one fourth d) four times 1O.Wire of resistance of 12.80 fis cut into m identical parts. If the effective resistance of the cireult formed by parts in parallel fs ©.2Q, then n fis a)@ b)6 e) 8 d) 64 20. If p.d. across 2 conductor hawing a material of speciiic resistance Dp mains constant, them heat developed in the conductor is proportional to a)P b)p2 e)i/ p dip

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