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I read the recent news that our local MP made the news again with his usual rants

that divides people. Larry Miller has been doing this since he's been in office and it
seems to be a familiar style of him to make such disturbing statements to
generalize a race and divide our community. Usually he tends to go after the rights
of Aboriginal fishing industry. Now Larry has taken the phish bait from his
Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper to go after women who wear scarves.
And as it is with those with white privilege he thinks that these women in niqabs
ought to get the hell out the country; the idea that if you can't conform, get your
butts out of here.
Well lets see where that got the Conservatives and this country since that time.
Sure, Canada has had growth, but now billions of dollars later we are still dealing
with the injustices of Aboriginals across this country because Conservatives thought
they can remove a race and culture with the stroke of a pen. The Conservatives
came in with Sir John and wrote laws to find ways to ensure non white people were
oppressed cause god forbid that they rise up and start running in politics and have
influence in this country.
It kind of reminds me of Hollywood where somehow we have to hate on somebody
to make a movie. We had feared each other because of the colour of skin, we've
feared each other because of our religion, and weve feared each other because of
our sexuality. So rather than Hollywood doing this, we've got Conservatives taking
the play straight from Hollywood.
Heres the problem with that, we are in real life and real people are being impacted.
In the case of a Bruce Grey Owen Sound male resident, he was fed up with the
focused rant of Larry Miller. Tenzin Therchan understands the racial divide that
Larry Miller spits out when he hits the airwaves> This time, Tenzin was going to
make it known that he recognizes Larrys remark as a targeted oppressive
statement against Muslim women.
Tenzin Tharchen is a lanky gentleman with a deep voice and a passion for social
justice. Tenzin is the center of the action of what happened at our MP Larry Millers
office, said Tenzin, I entered Larry millers office to speak with the MP about his
racist bigoted comments. I was not irate as the media said. I was upset and angry
that a elected official would spit islamophobic hate on live radio. I asked to see him
and explained his comments stir up hate and are unacceptable. This type of
discrimination needs to be addressed and stopped. We do not need to add fuel to a
already blazing fire of hate islamophobia and xenophobia. We need mutual respect
and understanding to bring together in the diverse fabric that makes Canada such a
beautiful place to live.
Had Bill C-51 been in play at the time of the incident, we might not have heard from
Tenzin. He might have been picked up and detained without a lawyer and we
wouldnt know where he was. Larry Miller tried to suggest that Tenzin could be

radicalized, and in the case of Bill C-51, that may have been enough to make Tenzin
disappear. In Bruce Grey Owen Sound, I was the organizer for the LeadNow
#StopBillC51 This is prime example of how important it is that Canadians and
Aboriginals stand up against this bill.
Larry tried to suggest that there was fear in his office because Tenzin was in
fatigues and had a flag. Our riding is not unfamiliar with people in fatigues. Aside
from popularity of wearing camouflage designs, our hunters wear fatigues and we
are in proximity to the army base. Its not uncommon to see hunters in town, or
army people in fatigues or seeing army trucks rolling through the center of the city.
What this is really about is the inability for elected members and their office staff to
listen to the dissent or frustrations of constituents. Have we really gotten to the
stage of believing the hype of terrorism lurking everywhere? If thats the case,
weve gone from a fictional movie 1984 to potentially becoming it with fear of each
other and the ominous loom of Big Brother. Its ironic that Stephen would say after
the shooting in Ottawa, But let there be no misunderstanding: we will not be
intimidated. Canada will never be intimidated. The reality seems that its not any
terrorists that have scared some into their closets; its the fear mongering the
Conservatives have created even in their own MP offices.
The recent update is that once again Larry has had to do back flip apology for his
inappropriate words, the same day the Prime Ministers Office released a
statement on Tuesday. The PMO said, The Member in question made inappropriate
comments that went beyond our clear position, and he has apologized for that. We
believe most Canadians, including new Canadians, would find it offensive that
someone would cover their face at the very moment they want to join the Canadian
MP Larry Miller issued an apology Tuesday morning. "Yesterday I made comments on
a radio show that I recognize were inappropriate. I stand by my view that anyone
being sworn in as a new citizen of our country must uncover their face. However, I
apologize for and retract my comments that went beyond this."
The courts ruled in favor of a woman to represent the multicultural flair of our
country which includes all faiths, even Muslim faith. The real question now is what
does Stephen Harper and Conservatives think a Canadian family consists of? From
city to city; over rural communities and Aboriginal lands and through our prairie
fields, I see a multicultural soup of families whose rights are protected by our laws.
But what good will our laws be with this freedom -choking Bill C -51? Who will
protect citizens from unfair detainment? Who will be viewed as a terrorist? Women
covered in scarves, people in balaclavas, aboriginals in malls, mothers with strollers
or people in fatigues? Anyone is suspect. If this bill goes through and becomes law
we can be seeing ourselves replaying the days of McCarthyism. Maybe we are
already there, caught in a web similar to the fictional movie 1984 and McCarthyism.

Asked any person with PTSD, being fearful of each other is not a good place to be.
Being fearful of our government is not a good place to be. When state and police
are in bed with each other as this Bill appears to be we are treading mud and for
sure terrorists will have won because we will have gotten to the stage of being
scared of our own neighbor.
Canadians and Aboriginals defended other countries against this kind of tyranny,
we dont need to bring this to our Canadian, Aboriginal soil. Bruce Grey Owen Sound
deserves better, Canada deserves better.

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