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ICT Integration Statement

Lesson 1& 2
The Australian Curriculum requirements were used as the basis for the design of
Lesson 1 & 2. The ICT components were then integrated into the lessons with
intend of enhancing each students learning experience. The lessons were designed
to motivate and challenge the students and enhance their critical thinking and
collaborative skills. We feel the learning experience would be significantly reduced
if the ICT components were removed.
The purpose of the initial uTube video in Lesson 1 is both to get the full attention of
the class by exciting them about the topic and to provide valuable background
content. Both Scootle activities in Lesson 1 & 2 were selected because of their
engaging and problem solving nature, they test the students content knowledge
while letting the students work through the activity at their own pace. The student
thus has the opportunity to learn visually via listening as well as by doing in a trial
and error activity. This will assist students with different learning and Multiple
Intelligence strengths or weakness. The plate interactive used in lesson
2 was chosen for its engaging and interactive nature as with the Scootle resources,
however the information is presented in a more content driven style. This provides
an alternative style and perspective to further enhance the learning experience.
Padlet was also used to get instant feedback concerning the lessons, this
information will assist in future lesson design.
The ICT components are intended as an enhancement to the learning experience
rather than a replacement of more traditional teaching methods. The use of the
Australian Curriculum as the basis for the construction of the lessons means we
keep the lessons focused on required outcomes rather the ICT itself being the driver.

Lesson 3
The following ICT resources were chosen for Lesson 3: Australia and New Zealand
Time Map (Scootle), a short video clip on the Eromanga Sea; The Circle Geology
(Scootle); Shaping the Land Model Landforms (Scootle); and Padlet. The Time Map
was selected because it shows incrementally when and how Australia and New
Zealand separated from Antarctica and their general trajectory over the past 110
million years. The activity also links to content from the other lessons, providing
revision and foreshadowing, and references the climate, flora and fauna changes
that are part of Learning Objective 2 and the lesson assessment project. The video
clip (from a longer, four-part series on the geology of Australia) was chosen because

it transports the students to a part of Australia that would be costly to visit, visually
demonstrating how different regions of Australia have changed due to movement of
the Australian plate. The Circle, although focused primarily on Antarctica, also
incorporates Australia and New Zealand, supports the learning objectives and
lesson assessment, allows learners to work at their own pace, and includes possible
supplementary activities. Shaping the Land is a great extension option as it allows
students to manipulate different land forms according to their geology, actually
working with different sedimentary levels and types of shifts (i.e., folds and fault).
Padlet is a fantastic option to quickly capture feedback from all students,
simultaneously giving them a voice for, and ownership of, their learning, along with
ideas and suggestions for the teacher. Students will also have a variety of ICT
options to use for their assessment presentation, such as Prezi, PowerPoint and
iMovie. Collectively, these ICT resources which are available when the teacher is
not areutilised to cater to different learning styles, to scaffold revision within new
learning, to enable higher-order thinking and to link textbook theory to real-life

Lesson 4
The following ICT resources were chosen for Lesson 4: The Earth Above and Below.
As Lesson 4 is the final lesson in the WebQuest, the objective is to ensure that
learning has been achieved through the WebQuest as a whole. The Lesson utilized
an embedded video clip, wolframalpha links, Prezi, QR code and students who are
early finishers or who are interested in additional material can also access links to
Splash TV. Google docs is set up for students to store their inquiry projects.
The new island clip was selected because it shows a unique event that relates to the
content of the lesson. It is short and engaging clip. The clip also links to content
from the other lessons, providing revision and links to additional information inquiry.
The links provided by wolframalpha allow students to access relevant information
for inquiry generation, whilst the embedded Prezi can be delivered as whole class or
in groups as students work through material. The Prezi was chosen as it allows a
summary of important fact to be included to ensure student cover main points
during their research and inquiry activity. Students will also have additional ICT to
extend their inquiry, text is provided on the impact of volcanic eruption on airline
travel, an additional perspective can be investigated via QR link. The lesson
concludes with reference to how knowledge of the earth, above and below
influences occupations, in this case splash TV has been incorporated as the use of a
young person in the presentation relates strongly with the age group completing the
WebQuest. Assessment is via an inquiry that the students complete and save to
Google docs.

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