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March 17, 2015

Guest Teacher Plans

Per. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
Room 306
Welcome! Thank you for being here. I know you will enjoy your time at
CVMS. We have a well-behaved group of 6th graders, you should have no
problems. You will have the same group of students for 2nd period and 3rd
period, one new group for 4th period, and the same group of students for 6th
period and 7th period.
A few rules my students follow:
1. The bell does not dismiss students, the teacher does.
2. Students should always be showing the teacher SMART (S-Sit up straight
M-Make eye contact A-Act interested R-Respect the teacher T-Track the
teacher). If you say Show me SMART They will adjust themselves and do
3. Students should always be showing respect in the classroom. If you see
this occurring add a point to the note card on the wall corresponding to the
correct period.
4. Students who are not showing respect get strikes. Please give students
strikes and keep track of who has strikes and I will have them serve their
consequence when I return.
Students who finish anything early may:
Work on May-dos Listed on a small white board.
Seating charts are in the yellow folder. The class officer for each period
will take attendance each period. Please feel free to write down any names
or notes of students who showed excellent behavior and names of students
who made wrong choices. Everything you need is labeled and on the back
counter. Thanks again!
Diane Putrus
Please rate each class 1-10 (1= made the wrong choices 10= awesome!)
Per. 2______





Period 1: Homeroom 9:00 9:22

9:00-9:02: Take Attendance and display the planner
Dismiss students one table at a time to line up at the
Chromebook cart to grab their computers (they know the
routine). Ask the class officer if you have any questions.
9:02-9:10: Allow students to watch the morning broadcast
on their Chromebooks (at a low volume)
9:10 9:22: Have students sign into their Google
Classroom accounts and open the What Motivates Me?
assignment. Give them time to fill in the box with the
question Why is it important to know what motivates
you? Tell them they you will be going around the room
and each student will be sharing their response aloud.

Period 2/3: English

Ask the class officers if you have any questions.
Quick View of Plan:
1. Warm-up Day 2
2. Check their emails
3. Prepare for Homework
4. Malala Article Assignment
Plans in detail:
1. Warm-up Day 2 (Parts of Speech)
Students will do their warm-ups in their folder. After
about 7 minutes, have students share answers with a
partner by asking them to turn to their partner.
Class officer will stamp behavior and responsibility
When students have finished, the class officer will go
over the warm-up at my desk by picking sticks of
student names.
Students who finish early may take out their
Chromebooks and work on a may-do
2. Allow students to check their emails for an email from me
about todays plan.
3. Have students take out a blank sheet of lined paper and copy
the Cornell Notes I have set up for them. This is tonights
4. Instruct students to sign into their Google Classroom account
and read the directions for the assignment called - Malala

Yousafzai: Sixteen Year Old Girl, Nobel

Peace Prize Nominee and Taliban

Assassination Attempt Survivor. They

have the remainder of the period to
complete this assignment. If they finish
early, they may look at the next article (I
have it linked onto their assignment) or
they can do a May Do that is written on
the May Do white board.
**I have printed a few copies of this
assignment for you to give to students who
are off task on their computers. Have them
put their computers away in the cart and
give them a paper copy instead.**

Period 4: ELD 11:24 12:15 (new group)

Ask the class officer if you have any questions.
Quick View of Plan:
1. Planner
2. Warm-up
3. Achieve 3000 article assignment on their
11:24-11:27: Display the planner and have students quickly
11:27-11:37: Display the warm-up for students to complete
the Practice Together section in their composition books.
After about 5 minutes, have them share with their partners
then ask for volunteers to share their answers. Finally,
display the check your answers document.
11:37 12:10:
1. Students will have their Chromebooks in their
2. Students need to sign into their Achieve3000 accounts
3. Have students continue the new article entitled: An
Asian Duck Visits California

4. Have students logout and shut down at around 12:13

and dismiss to lunch once all Chromebooks are put
gently away in their backpacks. Remind them to not
leave their backpacks unattended during lunch.
Period 6/7: History (new group)

Period 8: Prep
I have two TAs (Kierehl and Elizalma) this period. They will
come in on time. Send them to Mr. Lopezs class for the
remainder of the period.

Period 9: Homeroom
Students from period 1 will come back for a 4-minute 9th
period class to put their Chromebooks back in the cart.
Dismiss the first two tables then students will start lining up
once there are only two people in line (they know this). The
class officer (Kristian) will stand at the cart and monitor.
Once all Chromebooks are put away and plugged in and
charging (red light is flashing), students may be dismissed at
the 2:30 bell.

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