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Friday, the 9th of September, 2011 Measures and Figures

7 seven

7.8 seven point eight - In English, we represent decimal numbers with a . (point)

A) Write down the following numbers and unities:

1. _______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ________________________________

6. ______________________________

B) How do you translate the following words ?
long, high and wide _________________________________________________________
length, height and width ________________________________________________________
diameter, radius and width _______________________________________________________

Friday, the 9th of September, 2011 Measures and Figures

2. Complete correctly:
This is a square. It is 15 cm _______________
and 15 cm ________________.

This is a cube. It is ______________________,

________________________ and 15 cm

This is a cylinder. The _____________ of the

cylinder is__________, the ______________ is
4.8 cm; therefore the __________________ is
2.4 cm.

3. Fill in with the correct number:

a. The height of the tractor is 3.07m. ________
b. The length of the tractor is 4.24m. ________
c. The height of the exhaust is 1.1m. ________
d. The diameter of the exhaust is 0.06m. ________
e. The diameter of the small wheels is 0.95m. ________
f. The diameter of the large wheels is 1.805m. ______

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