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ADHD and ADD Annotated Bibliography

Ashley Shamaley
University of Texas at El Paso

Annotated Bibliography

Byrd, H. M. , Curtin, C., & Anderson, S.E. (2013). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and
obesity in US males and females, age 8-15 years: National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey 2001-2004. Pediatric Obesity, 8(6), 445-453. doi:10.1111/j.20476310.2012.00124.x
This article states the percent of adults and children with obesity and ADHD in the
United States. The article uses surveys to identify if people have obesity and ADHD or
one of the following. The survey is used between children ages eight to fifteen. They also
ask parents whether or not their child has been diagnosed by a professional doctor or
nurse. The article uses logistic regression to estimate the odds of obesity and ADHD in
children in the United States. This articles helps me with my research because it has
statistics to determine how many children have obesity and ADHD.
Dalsgaard, S. (2013). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). European Child &
Adolescent Psychiatry, 2243-48. doi:10.1007/s00787-012-0360-z
The article states the definition of (ADHD) Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder. It
also shows the results of children having ADHD early on in their childhood. It states the
symptoms that most children get with their ADHD and how they manage it. The article
reports how children show their ADHD throughout their life. It also states the guidelines
of treatment for the disease of ADHD. This article helps me by showing me the
definitions of ADHD and what the treatment is for most people with ADHD, especially
children. It also allows me to see how the treatment can change for children and for
adults with ADHD.

Annotated Bibliography

Fisher, B. C., Garges, D. M., Sun Young Rosalia, Y., Maguire, K., Zipay, D., & Gambino, M.
(2014). Sex Differences and the Interaction of Age and Sleep Issues in
Neuropsychological Testing Performance Across the Lifespan in an ADD/ADHD Sample
from the years 1989 to 2009. Psychological Reports, 114(2), 404-438.
The psychological report shows charts, graphs, and test about neuropsychological affects
in the the person, as well as ADHD diagnosis. It also states which gender is more likely
to get the disease. The report tested children, adolescents, as well as adults; half of them
were diagnosed with ADHD and the other half were not. The graphs, charts, and test
show the important statistics and research done for each analysis. These results state that
the research done is used to help control and manage the disease. This report helps me
with my research by allowing me to use the information to tell if ADHD should be treated
or not.
Goth-Owens, T.L., Martinez-Torteya, C., Martel, M.M., & Nigg, J.T. (2010). Processing Speed
Weakness in Children and Adolescents with NOn-Hyperactive but Inattentive ADHD
(ADD). Child Neuropsychology, 16(6), 577-591. doi:10.1080/09297049.2010.485126
The article states the effects of non-hyperactive but inattentive ADHD in people. It shows
the five symptoms hyperactivity and how to make them non-hyperactive. Most people
only have between one or two of the symptoms of ADHD. The article tested the parents
with mental test tot see how much ADHD they have. The article also states how most
adults use treatments to control their ADHD and make it easier for them to handle it. The
article helps me with my research because it allows me to focus on if ADD and ADHD
should be treated in children and adults.

Annotated Bibliography

Johnson, K.A., Robertson, I. H., Barry, E., Mulligan, A., Dabhis, A., Daly, M., & Bellgrove,
M. A. (2008). Impaired conflict resolution and alerting in children with ADHD: Evidence
from the Attention Network Task (ANT). Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry,
49(12), 1339-1347. doi:10.111/j.1469-7610.2008.01936x
This article states the difference between inattentive and attentive ADHD, and how they
test to see which one the patient has. The test that the article uses mental test which test
the alertness and control of attention within the person. It also looks for patterns to see
whether the person has inattentive or attentive ADHD. The test also use all the senses in
order to tell which ADHD the person has. The article helps me by showing me what
should be done to reduce the number of cases of ADD and ADHD in the United States. It
helps me by showing me treatments and test to tell ADHD apart.
Ostojic, D., Charach, A., Henderson, J., McAuley, T., & Crosbie, J. (2014). Childhood ADHD
and Addictive Behaviours in Adolescence: A Canadian Sample. Journal Of The Canadian
Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 23(2), 128-135.
The statistical journal discuss the percentage of ADHD in children and how it affects
them emotionally, mentally, socially, and physically. It also states that the more people it
effects, the more it causes depression and alcohol use and suicide thoughts. ADHD in
children can be risky because most children need psychiatric care. Most children with
ADHD need help controlling it because of the emotional and mental stress that the
disease puts on the child. This article helps my research by giving me numbers and
statistics about ADHD in children. It also shows how one can help and care for the
disease in children.

Annotated Bibliography

Weijer-Bergsma, E., Formsma, A., Bruin, E., & Bogels, S. (2012). The Effectiveness of
Mindfulness Training on Behavioral Problems and Attentional Functioning in
Adolescents with ADHD. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 21(5), 775-787.
The journal states how the effectiveness of treatment for ADHD in children is to help the
parent understand the concept of the disease. The parents need to be trained in order to
help the child acknowledge their disease and how to control it. The parents use
questioners in order to identify what their child need help on with their disease. This
article helps me with my research and if ADHD should be treated or not. The article
states different ways that parents can help their children treat the disease and how to
maintain it and acknowledge the effectiveness of the disease.
Yoshimasu, K., Barbaresi, W. J., Colligan, R. C., Voigt, R. G., Killian, J. M., Weaver, A. L., &
Katusic, S. K. (2012). Childhood ADHD is strongly associated with a broad range of
psychiatric disorders during adolescence; a population-based birth cohort study. Journal

Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 53(10) 1036-1043. doi:10.1111/1469-

The authors of this journal are stating statistics about ADHD in children. The paper
shows test from children diagnosed with ADHD before age 12 and children diagnosed
with ADHD after age 12. It also states the environmental factors of the child and how that
affects them managing their disease. The environmental factors are important because it
causes a significant atmosphere for the child and how the child acts around those factors.
This paper helps me in my research because it allows me to discuss the percentage of
children with ADHD and ADD in the United States and how to mange it.

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