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School Memo

Teacher:__Mia Camargo______________________________ Grade:____5______________

Date:____09/17/2014_______________________________ Room:_____225 ___________
Classroom Discipline / Procedures and Expectations
Classroom Rules:

Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready to Learn

Logical Consequences:

1st Consequence: Verbal

2nd Consequence: Name moved down behavior chart to Slow Down
3rd Consequence: Name moved down to Think About It Parent contacted via
email and student will fill out a form for reflection and to notify guardians
4th Consequence: Name moved down to Parent Contact Parent is contacted.
5th Consequence: Sent to the office.

Behavior Incentives / Rewards Used:

Whole Group: After 20 awesomes are obtained from specialists, students have
a list of rewards to choose from. After 40 awesomes are obtained from
specialists, students can have a movie day or ice cream/pizza party.
Small Group: Students who are working diligently and staying on-task as a group
will be asked to move their names up the behavior chart.
Individual: Students who stay on Ready to Learn or move up to Good Choices
receive one sticker at the end of the day. Students who move up to Way to Go!
receive two stickers. Students who move up to Youre A Super Hero! receive
three stickers. Once a student receives 10 stickers, he or she may choose an
item from the treasure box.
How am I going to establish consistent procedures and expectations in my
classroom and how will these procedures fit in to the Doral Academy
procedures and expectations?
Our classroom procedures are repeated until they are done correctly. The repetition
reinforces the three basic rules of the classroom (respect, responsibility, and
readiness), which reflect common procedures of Doral Academy. Students are
expected to maintain these expectations during all school events and activities,
whether it is an assembly or walking through the hallways.

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