Permission Slip

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The School of Education

Drexel University

Dear Parents:
________________ is a student teacher in our classroom this term. He/she is working with us for
the next several months. As part of his/her undergraduate/graduate work at Drexel University,
_______________ is required to videotape himself/herself teaching. The purpose of this exercise
is for the student teacher to evaluate his/her instruction and reflect on the effectiveness of the
lesson. The tape will strictly be used in accordance with university guidelines for this assignment.
Depending on the lesson, your child may or may not even appear on the videotape. Nevertheless,
we would like your permission to include him/her on the video if the camera includes the students
as part of the taping. In no way will any of the students be evaluated or singled out for any
reason. The tape is only used for the student teachers analysis of lesson effectiveness.
Please indicate on the form below whether or not you will grant permission for your son/daughter
to be on videotape. In cases in which permission is not granted, we will not include those
students on the video and will limit the taping to the teacher and students for whom permission
has been granted.
Thank you very much for assisting us with this important project.
(Cooperating Teacher)

_____ Yes, I grant permission for my son/daughter _____________________ to be

videotaped in ____________________s classroom.
_____ No, I do not grant permission for my son/daughter to be included in a videotaped
Signature of Parent/Guardian________________________________________________
Please return this completed form by________________.
Thank you very much!

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