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Day 5-6 Water

Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that knowledge of the properties and functions of compounds
enables humans make healthy choices.
Students will understand that waters unique properties make it the most common and
vital thing in living organisms.
Students will understand that proper hydration is vital to human health.
Key Knowledge and Skills
Students will know that a molecule of water is made of two hydrogen atoms covalently
bonded to one oxygen atom.
Students will understand that waters unique properties make it the most common and
vital thing in living organisms.
Students will understand that proper hydration is vital to human health.
Students will know that adhesion and cohesion occur because of hydrogen bonding
between molecules of water and itself or other surfaces.
Students will know that cohesion is an attraction between the molecules of the same
substance, and that water is extremely cohesive.
Students will know that adhesion is an attraction between molecules of different
Students will know that a mixture is a material composed of two or more elements or
compounds that are physically mixed together but not chemically combined.
o All the components of a solution, in which a solute is dissolved in a solvent, are
evenly distributed throughout the solution.
o The components of a suspension are not evenly distributed, and the solute is not
dissolved in the solvent.
Students will know that waters polarity is responsible for its unique properties.
o Waters polarity allows it to dissolve ionic compounds, sugars, and other polar
molecules. Water is the greatest solvent on Earth.
o Waters polarity makes it very cohesive and adhesive.
HYDRADE PowerPoint
Poster and coloring material
Role Cards

Learning Plan
Day 5
1. Hook: Hydrade Sports Drink Company/Teacher in Role
a. As the students enter, hand them a role card and a name tag. Ask students to write
their name and occupation on the name tag, read their role card, and in role,
introduce themselves to each other. Allow them to mix and mingle with one
i. Have these instructions on the board.

b. As class begins, ask them to sit by other employees who work in the same
c. Introduce yourself to the class as the marketing manager for Hydrade Sports
Drinks, and welcome the marketing employees to the meeting.
2. Introduction to Expert Roles
a. Tell them you know its been a while since theyve met, so youll give them a few
minutes to become acquainted with their department.
b. After a minute, explain that todays marketing task requires the departments to
mix with each other. To clarify their jobs in each group, ask each department
group to create a list of things they (in role) are good at.
i. Tell them to be specific are you all good artists? Good listeners? Are you
good scientists or skilled with a camera?
ii. The group comes up with this list together, but everyone should write it
c. After the whole group makes a list, ask each individual to choose one thing from
the list, and expound on it, specific to their character personally.
i. For example, someone in the Artistic Direction department may choose
Drawing and expound on it: Good at drawing anime characters, or
Creates realistic landscapes.
d. Ask a few students to share what they have written about their own character to
the class.
3. All About Hydrade
a. Bring the meeting to order and explain to the employees that the marketing heads
want to take Hydrades ads in a new direction. The products audience is mostly
high school students and student athletes, and in order to get played in schools
and be taken seriously by high school coaches, the company will begin marketing
Hydrade through more educational commercials.
b. The task of the employees at todays meeting will be to create 7 different 30
second TV spots highlighting some of the science behind Hydrade.
c. In order to create these ads, the employees need to know more about the product.
Ask them to brainstorm a few key questions they have about Hydrade and how it
works in student athletes as a department.
4. Interviews/Lecture
a. Tell the students all about Hydrade using the questions they ask. Supplement
student participation with the information below. Encourage them to take notes.
i. Why is hydration important?
1. According to the science and research department, water is polar
do to uneven sharing of electrons in its covalent bonds. This makes
the oxygen end slightly negative and the hydrogen ends slightly
2. The polarity of water makes it stick to itself (cohesion surface
tension) and to other surfaces (adhesion water flowing up a piece
of paper).
3. Because water likes to stick to itself, its hard to heat up or cool
down quickly. When its in the body, water molecules resist
getting too hot. Water also enables a person to sweat if needed.

4. Water also transports things in the body. Its polarity attracts both
good things (like necessary sugars and electrolytes in the blood)
and toxins. It can transport the nutrients around the body, and
transports toxins out of the body in urine.
5. Dehydration in athletes may lead to fatigue, poor performance,
decreased coordination and muscle cramping.
ii. What is in Hydrade?
1. Hydrade includes water, sugar, salts called electrolytes, flavoring
and dye.
2. When the salt and sugar are mixed into the water, they are attracted
to the polar molecules of water and ions break apart from the
crystal to dissolve in the water. This makes Hydrade a mixture
called a solution, with water as the solvent and salts/sugars as the
solutes. (The type of mixture produced when nothing dissolves is
called a suspension blood with all its cells is an example, as is oil
and water.)
3. Explain that while water is important, it is also vital that humans
(and especially athletes who sweat a lot) keep the right
concentrations of salts and sugars in their body/blood. Hydrade
therefore keeps people hydrated and helps athletes replace the
electrolytes they might be losing during exercise.
5. Storyboarding
a. Still in their departments, ask the students to brainstorm what are some ideas
you are beginning to have about the ad? Is there a way you could use your
talents/skills to present this information to our audience?
b. Count each department group off by 7s, and ask each number to meet in a new
spot in the classroom.
c. In their new groups, ask the experts to share their jobs with each other in their
own words.
d. Meanwhile, hand each group a Commercial Prompt. Explain that these prompts
are the subject their commercial should be about. The commercial needs to be
educational, but also needs to advertise the product in a way that is subtle.
e. Time permitting, have each group being drafting their ad.
f. When class ends, ask each student to place their name tag back on a sheet for next
6. Homework: Hand out the Solvents/Water Worksheet
Day 6
7. Hook: Welcome
a. Ask students to retrieve their name tags as they enter.
b. When class begins, ask students to reintroduce themselves to their ad-production
c. Ask them to re-read their Commercial Prompt.
8. Making the Ad

a. Instruct students to begin creating their 30 second TV spot. They will show
them to each other at the end of class. Remind them to utilize their expertise to
help the group.
i. Make markers/posters available and tell students where these are as well.
b. Encourage groups to begin by planning the ad, any visuals, and the script first,
and they trying it out/acting it themselves.
c. Walk around as students are developing their ads. If you notice a disagreement,
encourage the students to turn to the resident expert to come up with a solution.
d. Give students a time limit, and then ask the groups to share with the class.
i. Ask: What did the group do well? What would their audience respond well
ii. If time permits, also ask what the group could improve on, calling on
specific directors, animators, psychologists, and physiologists to comment.
Then have the groups get back together, improve their ad, and share again.
e. Thank the employees for their hard work: for completing the task in only a day,
and for making such excellent ads, they will all get a raise! The CEO will be
thrilled with their work.
f. Ask the employees to take off their name tags and begin the reflection as a class 9. Reflection
a. Ask:
i. What was effective in the ads you saw?
ii. What expertise/suggestions were you personally able to contribute (call on
a few students to share).
iii. A person from each different department was in your ad-making group.
Was this collaboration useful? What were the benefits? Any hang-ups?
How did you solve any issues that arose? Do you think collaboration on
marketing and other projects happens in the real world?
iv. How could knowing about waters uses in the body affect someones
health? How does what we talked about today affect the choices you will
v. What effect would ads like the ones we made together have on our

Water Lesson Plan Role Cards

Marketing Artistic Director: You work for the production director. You are an expert
arranging and creating pictures and graphics so that they appeal to an audience. You are
responsible for creating designs, pictures, graphics, animations, or other visual elements that will
inform and influence the audience. Your role involves working with the Production Director to
incorporate the Educational Psychologists ideas and the Exercise Physiologists knowledge into
the visual elements of the commercial.
Marketing Production Director: You are responsible for the production of the commercial
itself. You have a background in theater and film, and know how to write scripts and make a
production come to life. You must incorporate the expertise of the Educational Psychologists and
the Exercise Physiologist to make the commercial scientifically accurate and appealing to your
audience of young people. Work with the Animator/Graphic Designer to help you make the
commercial look right.
Marketing Specialist: You are an expert in how people think/react, what is popular among
them, and what they need to be effectively persuaded to buy a product. You are responsible for
making sure that the commercial makes sense to young people you want to make sure that the
audience will enjoy watching and will remember the commercial. Work with the Production
Director and the Artistic Director to ensure that the commercial is appealing to your audience
and that will want to buy Hydrade.
Science Consultant: You are concerned with making sure people make the best diet and
exercise choices so that they are healthy. You have a background in human biology and you have
been a serious athlete most of your life. You are responsible for making sure that the commercial
is scientifically accurate, and that it doesnt say anything incorrect or misleading. Work with the
Production Director to ensure that the script and the graphics are accurate.

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