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The Middleman A recent statement by a local sportswriter to the effect that the Cincinnati band outshone the UK band evidently launched a trickle of letters to the Kernel editor concerning the Best Band In Dixie. The same writer, as we remember it the band hadn't played for another game was played before any University class had been orga Not satisfied, he stated with authority two weeks later that nothing had been heard or seen of the band, though 120 band and staff members had gone through almost a dozen practice sessions in sight of Rose Strect near the stock pavilion. Such observations do little to improve any organization. The UK band js not perfect, nor has anyone claimed it to be. The most vitriolic of those who complain invariably fail to sign their letters. Though other schools have a healthy respect for the band, a minority of UK students each year decide that something should be done to change it. Actually, the activities of the band are a matter of personal taste. There are two distinct types of bands; the flashy, burle like ones and those which depend upon precision mare excellent playing for their effect. By far the more difficult to attain is the latter, demanding infinitely more training and practice. Many UK fans do not want the Best Band In Dixie to resort to jazz and the theater for football game_performanc them realized the apparent reason for the glee the Cincinnati the State Vocal Clinic was in campus, and its members were University guests at the game. The band, like The Kernel, is almost perpetually c: tween groups of differing opinion continual disagree- ment between the groups, and they often blame those on the middle ground for things with which they don't agree. It would seem better to stand behind the things we have and to let changes come in an orderly wa ajority demands. There has been a good spirit of co-operation between the people of Lexington and the students of the University, and there is no ne Some of There We hope that the pages of the Kernel will not be converted into a battlefield for the issue. But since this is a paper dedicated to student opinion, fair representation on all questio its goal. We would, however, appreciate useful suggestions in- stead of hysterics in letters concerning all campus activities. will remain

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