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Joint Statement Requirements for ICT

Integration Project
1. Group Study Activity
Our first task is to create an ICT integrated lesson from our major teaching area.
With our major being science we have used the Australian Curriculum to select the
Year 9 Earth and Space Science topic of Plate tectonics as the basis of our lesson.
Our lesson is to contain various ICT resources with a view to engage and inspire
students in the subject area. The lesson must also show how ICT can enhance and
promote learning from a teaching perspective. The lesson will run for 20 minutes
with a further 5 to 10 minutes to be used for class discussions concerning the
relevant strengths, successes or failures of each ICT component presented. The
lesson will include an integrated class feedback ICT resource to assist in this
evaluation process. A formal Lesson plan will be developed and submitted for the
lesson with each member contributing equally to its formation and delivery. The
Weebly website builder will be used as the platform for the lesson delivery including
the various ICT components. The entire lesson and each ICT component will be
rehearsed and fully tested before presentation.

2. WebQuest 3A
The primary requirement for Assessment Item 3a ICT Integration Project (Planning)
is the concrete preparation of a four-part, ICT-integrated WebQuest. As a WebQuest,
the ICT Integration Project must function as a sequence of significant teaching and
learning activities, and feature the use of ICT resources that support inquiry-based
student learning. Students who complete the WebQuest will have utilised a variety
of ICT components to actively engage in learning directly linked to the Australian
Curriculum (AC). The planning phase encompasses: mind maps to visually display
the four WebQuest lessons and how they are linked to the AC; a project plan to
ensure the equitable distribution of work on, and timely completion of, the project; a
forward planning document to outline each lessons objectives, content and
resources; a statement through which the ICT resources chosen are justified; and an
explanation of the learning theory on which the project is based. The planning
phase is to be guided by the marking rubric.

3. WebQuest 3B

Assessment 3b ICT Integration Project (Publishing) is to create a WebQuest that

demonstrates appropriate thematic graphical elements allowing a visual connection
between the student and the concepts of the lessons. In ensuring design and flow of
the mechanical aspects of the WebQuest we have endeavored through planning to
ensure both the motivational aspects and the cognitive aspects of the WebQuest
enhance the delivery and the overall experience of the student. Through designing
a learning sequenced that is significant to learners we have enhanced clarity of the
learning process. Assessments flow through the four lessons and build on previous
knowledge. Each lesson uses multiple sources of information. We have chosen
inquiry based assessments which link to the Australian Science Curriculum Earth
Sciences Topic; Questioning and predicting - Formulate questions or hypotheses that
can be investigated scientifically (ACSIS164).

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