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Spiritualism was introduced into Brazil due to African slaves being brought over to Brazil.

of the slaves belonged to tribes in Africa. Catholicism, which is now what three quarters of Brazil
believes in, was brought over by European settlers. They wished to introduce the native Brazilians to
civilized society, and so they taught them about Catholicism (Brazil, 2015).
Many religions are widely accepted in Brazil. 99% of its population believes in some form of
organized belief system. Even so, Catholicism is still holds the highest population of followers in Brazil.
There is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, showcasing the importance of Catholicism in Brazil.
Carnival is one of the largest celebrations in Brazil. It is the celebration of Lent and giving up meet.
Although it is a Catholic practice, almost everyone participates in it (Brazil, 2015).
Spiritualism is found within tribes in Africa. Catholicisms sacred places include any church that
houses the remains of the holiest people, such as past Popes. There are two main holy places within
Brazil: Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro and Santuario Dom Bosco (Sacred Destinations,
Although Brazil was declared a secular state in 1891, its roots are deep in Catholicism. Brazil is
becoming more conservative because many religious leaders are coming into power within its
government. Many laws are not approved by such people because it goes against their religious beliefs
(Relation, 2015).
Overall, religion plays a large role in Brazil. Many Brazilians are religious, and religions often
govern the morals of people. There is a definite divide of wealth, but not religion. It is the one thing
that brings the people of Brazil together.

Relation Between Politics And Religion In Brazil. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015,
BRAZIL. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from
Category Archives: Holy Places. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from
Sacred Destinations. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

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