Literatur Manfaat Rokok

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Literatur manfaat Rokok

Daftar Pustaka:
1. Dr. Tanner, Forces The Evidence Therapeutic Effects Of Smoking
2. Megan Rauscher, Smoking lowers Parkinsons disease risk
3. Parkinsons Institute, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA., Smoking
and Parkinsons disease in twins
4. David J. Cohen, MD, MSc; Michel Doucet, MD;; Donald E. Cutlip, MD; Kalon K.L. Ho, MD,
MSc; Jeffrey J. Popma, MD; Richard E. Kuntz, MD, MSc, Impact of Smoking on Clinical and
Angiographic Restenosis After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
5. Neil Sherman, HealthScout Reporter, The Carbon Monoxide Paradox
6. David Loshak, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Smoking Does Not Increase Risk Of
Receding Gums
7. Hjern A, Hedberg A, Haglund B, Rosen M., Department of Clinical Sciences, Huddinge
University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Centre for Epidemiology, National Board
of Health and Welfare, Stockholm and Department of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, Umea
University, Umea, Sweden, Does tobacco smoke prevent atopic disorders? A study of two
generations of Swedish residents
8. Robyn Suriano, Sentinel staff writer via University of Central Florida, Shocker: Villain
nicotine slays TB
9. Dr. James Goedert, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md via United Press International,
Smoking Cuts Risk of Rare Cancer
10. Dr. John A. Baron of Dartmouth Medical School and Dr. R. W. Haile of the University of
Southern California, via Paul Recer, AP Science Writer, Cigarettes May Have an Up Side
11. Green JT, Richardson C, Marshall RW, Rhodes J, McKirdy HC, Thomas GA, Williams GT,
via Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK; Department of
Surgery, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK; Department of Pharmacology and
Therapeutics, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK; Dep., Nitric oxide mediates
a therapeutic effect of nicotine in ulcerative colitis

12. Rainer Seidl MD, Monika Tiefenthaler MSc, Prof. E Erwin Hauser MD, Prof. Gert Lubec
FRSC, via Department of Pediatrics, University of Vienna, Austria, Effects of transdermal
nicotine on cognitive performance in Downs syndrome
13. Kristine Y. Lain, MD, Robert W. Powers, PhD, Marijane A. Krohn, PhD, Roberta B. Ness,
MD, MPH, William R. Crombleholme, MD, James M. Roberts, MD, via: Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, Urinary cotinine concentration confirms the reduced risk of preeclampsia with
tobacco exposure
14., Forces The Evidence Smoking, Pregnancy, And Reproduction
15. Wikipedia, Down syndrome
16. Wikipedia, Health effects of tobacco

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