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Dear Parents:
Heres an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to your school district by volunteering to
be a judge for the writing contest. Judges are needed for the annual Troy School District
Writing Contest on Wednesday, April 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the Services Center Board Room,
4400 Livernois. Judges will need to meet at 5:30 p.m. for a salad bar dinner. Judging will
follow at 6:00 and continue until 8:00 PM.
The topic for the contest is America- My Home.
If you can help us or know of someone else who might be interested, please return the bottom
portion of this letter with your child to his/her Language Arts teacher or to the school office
(attn. Jane McKenney) by Friday, March 27.
Please consider offering your services. Our judges have always found the evening to be fun and
rewarding. If you have any questions, please call me at 1.248.823.4608, or email me at
Jane McKenney
Language Arts Department Head
____Yes, Im willing to be a judge the evening of Wednesday, April 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the
Services Center Board Room.
Childs Name: _________________

Childs Grade: ___________

Childs Language Arts teacher: __________________________

Parents name: _______________________________________ (Please print)


Zip code: ___________

Phone numbers: Home: _________________

Cell: __________________

E-mail: ___________________________
After I receive this portion of the letter, I will contact you to confirm. Thanks so much
for your help!!

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