The Samaritan Woman at The Well

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Friday, March 13, 2015

John 4:15
The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, so I may never be
thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water."

The Samaritan Woman at the Well.

She can be described as a person of no interest within the community. She comes to the well
drawing water alone at noon instead of the typical water-gathering time with the other women
at the gloaming. Jesus asks her for water and he offers her living water to quench the burning in
her soul. He reveals to her that he is indeed the long awaited Messiah.
This unnamed woman reacts to the revelation with jubilation as she runs to the village telling
the community to come and see, to share in the good news.
There are many instances that come to my mind of downtrodden characters who become shining
examples of worthiness as they rise to the occasion. David facing the giant nemesis, Goliath;
Rudolph (bear with me, there is still snow on the ground as I'm writing this) taking the lead
with his glowing red nose through a storm; Elsa, as she finally figures out that the emotion of
love can calm her freezing actions from stress and despair; or Babe the pig, rounding up the
sheep to win the grand prize for his farmer owner: each of these characters and people strove to
be more than themselves.
Jesus knew that the Samaritan Woman was worthy. We are all worthy in the eyes of Christ.
Jesus does not quit on us. Jesus loves us. Jesus is like a river, a flowing river of water, guiding us
through our lives to an eternal rest for our restless spirits. Come and see indeed!
S. M.

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