Chap 02

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CHAPTER 2 2.1) ENTROPY AND TEMPERATURE (a) o = log g = log C + (3N/2)log U. (80/8U)y = 1/t = (3N/2)(1/U), hence U = 3Nt/2. (bo) (8o/au7 yn = (3N/2)(-1/07) < 0. 2.2) PARAMAGNETISM States with spin excess 2s have the energy U = -2smB, hence s = -U/2mB. Insertion into (40) yields (41). From (41) obtain (20/2U)y , = 1/t = - U/m’B*N. Solve for U: U = = - m@B2N/t = '- MB. Hence M/Nm = mB/t. 2.3) QUANTUM HARMONIC OSCILLATOR (a) From (1.55): o = log g = log(N+n-1)! - log n! - log(N-1)! log(N+n)! - log n! - log N! Replacing N-1 by N is equivalent to neglecting a term -log[(N+n)/N], which for large N is small compared to the factorial terms. With the Stirling approximation: o = (Nt) log(N+n) - n log n-N log N = (N#n) log[(N+n)/N] - n log(n/N) 0 N[(1+#n/N) log(1+n/N) - (n/N) log(n/N)]. (b) Set n = U/fw and Nyw = Up(N): O(U,N) = N[(1+U/Uy) log(1+U/Ug) - (U/Ug) 1og(U/Up)]- -3- [2.3] With the abbreviation x = U/U: aad (80/2U)y = (1/09) (30/2x)y (1/MMw) Log(1+U5/U). (N/Ug)[1og(1+x)-log x] Solving for U/N yields U/N = }iw/[exp(Mw/t) - 1]. Alternate method: For large n: d(log n!)/dn = log n! - log(n-1)! = log n. With this, T/t = (1/fw)(80/an)y = (1/Kw)[log(N+n) - log n] = (1/Mw) log(1+N/n), which is the equivalent to the result above. 2.4) HE MEANING OF NEVER (a) The probability a correct key will be struck is 1/44. The probability a sequence of 10° keys will be correct is 100,000 (aaa) = 197264,345 (b) On a single typewriter the number of keys that can be struck in 10/85 at 10 keys/s is 10/9. ‘The Hamlet sequence may start with any of these except the last 10°-1. Thus there are 1019 - 10° +1 1029 possible starts. The Probability of a correct Hamlet sequence on one typewriter is 10291 97164/345 = 497164, 326 For 101° monkeys: 1020397164326 _ 397164,316 (2.3] -4- Comment. One UCSB student suggested that the monkeys be permitted at least as many typographical errors as in the lecture notes from which the main text was prepared. It is not difficult to show that even 1000 errors would have increased the probability by less than a factor 5,1000 (43x10°) = 106633 to a value that is still negligible. 2.5) ADDITIVITY OF ENTROPY FOR TWO SPIN SYSTEMS a) From (17), with N, = N, = 1072, 6 = 10+ a = Np = 2 Fy Iq = (9155) max®*P(-46°/Ny) = (9159) max * eXP(-4), (9199)/(9) 99) max = 90-0183. Compare this with 107274 for 6 = 10 (b) From (1.35): g(N,s) = (2/nny® x 2% x exp(-2s2m). This may be applied both to the two individual systems (N= N, = Nj), and to the combined system (N = N, +N). For the two individual systems in their most probable configuration we have from (14), 8; = 8. Hence 2N. (545y)max = [9(%,/8,))? = (2/nny) x 2 + x exp(-48,7/N,) For the combined system, s = 28, DX 9, (N.S, ) 9, (Ny, 8-81) = 9(2N,,281) a 2N, = (fan) x 2° 1 x exp(-48,2m,) “5+ [2.5] The two results differ by the factor a aye Be 10 G(2N, 28, )/[9(Ny ,8,)]? = (Ny/2n)* = 4x10 (c) The true entropy of the interacting combined system is o = log g(2N,,28,) = 2N, log 2 - 48,2/N, ~ ‘Log(nN,) = 1.3863x1022 - 1018 ~ 25.9 = 1.3862x102? The error made in the entropy by estimating the entropy as 109(G)5))max = 148, is log(4x101°) = 24.4. This is a fractional error of 1.76x10~21. 2.6) INTEGRATED DEVIATION For Ny = No, (17) becomes 2 9452 = (9,92 )max CXP(-46°/N,) ° DX 9152 = (945g )max J exP(-462/m, )a6 6>8) = (549p) max (Na/2)2 f exp(-t? at, x where x = 26/N%. We count both positive and negative 6 with |6| > 6). Then P( |61>8,) = f exp(-t?)at/ f exp(-t? at x 0 1 N. = (2/n) erfc(x) = 2.(2) exp(-46,7/N,) = 0.28 x exp(-400’ = exp(-403.6) = 107175-3 [2.5] 76-

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