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Reading skills practice: Films and entertainment answers

Answers to Films and entertainment exercises

1. e

4. f

2. c

5. d

3. b

6. a

1. Check your understanding: ordering

1. Jennifer was born in Kentucky.
2. At school she played basketball for a boys team.
3. She moved to New York.
4. She appeared on TV for the first time.
5. She moved to Los Angeles.
6. She was nominated for an Oscar.
7. She played Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games.

2. Check your understanding: true or false

1. True

5. True

2. False

6. True

3. True

7. False

4. False

8. True

3. Check your understanding: multiple choice

1. basketball and hockey

4. actress and model

2. Winters Bone and The Hunger Games

5. painting, surfing and play the guitar

3. Los Angeles and New York

6. Ben and Blaine

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