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Jack and Parson Russell

By Ola Pluta




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Table of Contents"
Table of Contents#




Parts of Jack and Parson terrier#


Distinguishing a Parson form a Jack Russell Terrier#


Health/Nutrition/Diet For Jacks And Parsons#


Walking a Jack and Parson - Exercise#


Attention for a Jack and Parson#


Train a Jack and Parson Russell Terrier#






Page 2


Have you ever heard anything about a Jack Or Parson Russell

Terriers? If not read this book if yes still read this book. This book
will tell you everything you should or need to know. Everything from
Health, to Walking, to Attention, to Training. If you need want to
know more just keep on reading and you will find out more.Guess
what dont go there is one more thing I need to tell you that there
400 different types of dogs that are purebred but, how much would
there be with all the mixed breads.

Picture of Jack
russell as a

Picture of

Page 3

Parts of Jack and Parson terrier"

The Jack and Parson are very strong. They each have a very strong
body because they are meant to hunt. The Parson has a few more parts in its
legs. one reason is because the Parson has longer legs. A Jack and Parson
have a strong body. A Jack will lose his/her teeth when he/she will be a
couple months old. A Jack and Parson have a good body for a hunter, guard,
or playful dog. They run super fast, they fetch things but, after a long time,
they are very intelligent because, they know when you are sad or happy.#
A Parson height is 12-14 inches and the weight is 14-18 pounds ( 6-8kg). A
Jacks height is 10-15 inches and the weight is 14-18 pounds ( 6-8kg).#

One more thing I want you to know is if your dog is pregnant some
stuff you should know. A mama dog (female) can give birth to 1-10
puppies at a time. When she gives birth and the newborns are deaf,
blind, and helpless after birth. Puppies open their eyes when they are
about 10-15 days old. Puppies start to walk, bark, and wag their when
they are about 2-3 weeks old. Puppies drink their moms milk till they 3
weeks old. When a puppy is 6 weeks old the puppies dont need their
mothers anymore. The best time to adopt a puppy is when its 6-8 weeks
old. And one more thing they are bred to hunt.!#


Tail that is

Straight and
white #

Good eye
sight and
good night


Strong back
for hunting







Sharp claws

Super strong

Soft or

Page 4

Very soft

Distinguishing a Parson form a Jack Russell Terrier"

If you are looking at two Russell's and you dont know which one is
which, and you would want to find a Jack russell well this is how you figure
out which one is which. So take a good look look at the legs of two dogs.
Then take a picture of them in your head. Zoom in a take a good look at the
legs. Check which one has longer legs. The one that has longer legs is a
Parson. TADDA!!!!!! But. what if they are puppies take a look at the mother
and check it again like I told you earlier. If the mom is alone then check if she
has short or long legs. TADDA!!!!!!!! But if are wondering which one to buy in
my opinion you should buy the Jack because he is more cousy and fuzzy and
he is more nicer.#

Also if you want to know which type of Jack or Parson is the cosiest its not
smooth kind its the ragged one they feel like a cloud. He/she would also be
funny and cool because you can make hair styles on them and they won't
bite. One thing is that is funny is that some kinds of dogs look like little
wolves, like the German Shepherd.#


Jack Russell

Parson Russell


Page 5

Health/Nutrition/Diet For Jacks And Parsons"


The russells have a strict diet. If you want your Russell to stay healthy
follow these steps. You can use these steps on any other dog but just to
check,check with a veterinarian just to be safe. So first of all you should know
that each Russell is different in in character and in colour. I am telling you this
from my own experience. The first thing is that Russells cant eat a lot of
chicken. You cant also give them a lot of, ham or, lamb and others.#

They can eat fruits and veggies. They can also eat mint and basil and
grass. But WARNING. If you give your dog spice plant he/she might not live
the night. Your dog can eat frogs, so dont be
afraid if she/he will just bubble and might throw up
and thats it.

fruits and

Dog food

Page 6

Walking a Jack and Parson - Exercise"


A Russell needs lots of exercise. You have your Russell about 7-10 walks a
day. I know its a lot but its good for your dog and I will tell you a great
schedule. If you go to school or you are a mom or a dad or big brother or a
big sister. So now I will tell you a perfect list.#

Walk your dog before school. 2. Ask your parents to walk your dog for you
while you are in school about 3-4 times. 5.When you get back from school
walk your dog. 6. When you are done walk your dog again. 7. Walk your dog
after another hour.8. Walk your after another hour. 9. Walk your dog after
another hour. #
10. Ask you parents to take your dog on a night walk which should be
a long walk and TADDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did it you are done with all of your
walks for a day!!! A Jack and Parson needs lots of exercise because if you
dont give your dog 7-10 walk a day. Your dog will get fat.#

Person walking
their dog


Rope leash


Page 7

Attention for a Jack and Parson"



Your question probably is how much attention

does a Jack and Parson need. Well I will answer it
right now. A Jack and Parson is a hyper little thing.
You are going to need to give your Russell about
45% of your day and a little dog takes 40% like a
Yorkshire terrier, and a big dog like a labrador
takes about 45% also. #

A Russell needs lots of attention because
its meant to hunt. They run a lot while hunting
after the animals. Like that you are going to have
to make a decision. I have a Jack and i give her
45% of my time. Some things you can do to spend
time with your dog are sleep, play, cuddle, walk,
lay, run.#
Girl playing with #
her doggy
Percentage of time for your dog a day about

Percentage of time for you a dog about

30% the least - 45% the most or you can give more

70% the most - 55% the most or more if you dont

like your dog

Page 8

Train a Jack and Parson Russell Terrier"


If you are a beginner in training dogs you should start with some simple
commands not hard ones like: stay stay come or leg. Some that you can
start with are: sit or lay down or Roll over or jump. You have to have at
least should have treats so that you can reward your dog after your dog did
good job.#

How to teach your dog to sit on a command.1. you have to have your
dog and treats. 2. put some treats in your hand. 3.put in in front of your dog
on eye level and say sit. 4. do this for at least a week and it your dog
doesnt sit push his/her butt down. 5. now do it without pushing his/her butt
down. Then your dog knows how to sit. TADDA!!!!!!!!!. I trained my dog but
you can get a trainer.Also there are different sports and work dogs some
sports are: Dog racing or also known as greyhound racing, rescue dogs,
watch dogs, barn dogs, home dogs,
mountain dogs, competing dogs.#

Treats not in bags#

Hard Treats

Page 9

Treats in bags
and boxes#
Soft treats


Jack Russell Terrier = Dog breed#

Parson Russell Terrier = Dog breed#
Treats = Something to eat that your dog doesnt get every day#
Hunt = To kill an animal#
Exercise = To have action in your body and to move around#
Diet = To eat certain food in a certain time amount#
Attention = To look to play with one#
Cuddle = To hug and kiss#
Tamed = Changed from being wild to being calm and to like humans#
Breads = Kinds or types#
Nutrition = Food #
Purebred = Not a mixed breed#
Mixed Breed = A dog that has more than one kind of dog Example: German
Shepherd and Golden Retriever mixed into one #
Command = To tell something to do#


Page 10


Hi, are you desperate to find something out about Jack Russell Terrier, if you
are then this is the right book that you chose. I will tell you everything about
Jack Russell Terriers, their colours, shapes, and sizes, their diet, their
character, and their health. You will learn a lot your work will be great. But
Jack Russell Terriers have a big sense of humour. You might wont to write
that down. And I hope that I will help you with what you needed and have a
nice day.


Have A

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