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HouserMarch 2-6,2015

Group 1
Brice, Elizabeth, Tristian, Melanie, Daniel, Esteban

Group 2
Cyrell Christopher , KJ, Rakiyah, Michael, Dusty,
Luke, Henry

Monday- March

Objectives for Guided Reading: SWBAT:

Read with fluency, accuracy and expression

Decode unfamiliar words using strategies


Be able to answer who, what when, where

and why questions

Read and be able to demonstrate

comprehension of a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts

Utilize before, during and after comprehension

strategies (preview, predict, questioning, text
to self, main idea)

Identify character, setting and important


Objectives for Guided Reading: SWBAT:

Read with fluency, accuracy and expression

Decode unfamiliar words using strategies


Be able to answer who, what when, where and

why questions

Read and be able to demonstrate

comprehension of a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts

Utilize before, during and after comprehension

strategies (preview, predict, questioning, text
to self, main idea)

Identify character, setting and important


Anticipatory set:

Anticipatory set:

Criteria for
success for
Guided Reading:
observations of
students while
should demonstrate
the following
behaviors: tracking
when reading,
punctuation, self
monitoring, self
correcting, attentive
listening and
contributing to
group discussion

What is a slowpoke?
Do you know someone that is a slow poke? In our
story, Willie is a slowpoke. Lets see why his
friends call him a slowpoke.?

Instructional Process:
1.Students will read-Willie the Slow poke
Before reading we will take a picture walk,
make predictions to access background
2. After reading , students will retell the story.
Identify sequence of events in the story. What
happened in the beginning, the middle and
the end of the story?

Closure: Students will tell one reason Willie is

called a slowpoke.


TuesdayMarch 3
Criteria for
success for
observation of
students while

books, markers, journal

Homework: Answer questions about the story in

complete sentences. Students may illustrate their
Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing

spell monthly spelling words correctly in


Successfully write 2 sentences on the

given topic

Sentences will have capitalization and


Have you ever gone

fishing? What do you need? In our story, Father
bear has a problem Lets see what happens.

Instructional Process:
1.Students will read-Father Bear goes
Fishing Before reading we will take a picture
walk, make predictions to access background
2.After reading , students will retell the story.
Identify sequence of events in the story. What
happened in the beginning, the middle and the
end of the story?

Closure: Students will tell the characters,

setting, problem and solution of the story.


books, markers, journal

Paul, Adrian, Alex, Dashawn, , Noah,
Alyvia ,
Objectives for Guided Reading: SWBAT:
Read with fluency, accuracy and expression
Decode unfamiliar words using strategies

Read and be able to demonstrate

comprehension of a variety of non-fiction

Utilize before, during and after

comprehension strategies (preview, predict,
questioning, text to self, main idea)

Anticipatory set: Fat Cat and Little

Cat do not get along with each
other..Lets see what is causing the

Instructional Process:



Students will read-Kitty Cat and Fat

Cat. Before reading we will take a
picture walk, make predictions to
access background knowledge
After reading, students will be compare
the hiding places in the story to their
own places.

Closure: Students will tell Little

Cat and Big Cat did not get along.


books, markers papers,

items for introduction

Homework: Answer questions about the story in

complete sentences. Students may illustrate their

Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing
spell monthly spelling words correctly in
Successfully write 2 sentences on the
given topic
Sentences will have capitalization and

Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing
spell monthly spelling words correctly
in writing

Successfully write 2 sentences on the

given topic

Sentences will have capitalization and


completing their
Students should
capitalization and
punctuation 3 out
of 3 times

Students will stay on topic

Students will stay on topiic

Anticipatory set: Teacher will write a

sentence on the board that needs capitalization

and punctuation. Students will discuss the
problems and how they can fix them.

sentence on the board that needs capitalization and

punctuation. Students will discuss the problems and
how they can fix them.

sentence on the board that needs capitalization

and punctuation. Students will discuss the
problems and how they can fix them.

Instructional Process:

Students will
be given sentences where they will need to be the
teacher and fix the mistakes in the sentences.
Students will circle the mistakes and then write
the sentence the correct way.

Instructional Process:

Students will
be given sentences where they will need to be the
teacher and fix the mistakes in the sentences.
Students will circle the mistakes and then write the
sentence the correct way.

Instructional Process:

Closure: Students will given a sentence to fix

Closure: Students will given a sentence to fix

Closure: Students will given a sentence to

and illustrate

and illustrate

fix and illustrate

sentences, markers,



sentences, markers, journal,

will be given sentences where they will need to
be the teacher and fix the mistakes in the
sentences. Students will circle the mistakes and
then write the sentence the correct way.


sentences, markers,

. SOLs addressed 1.8 a 1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12

a,bc,1.13 b,d,e,f,g


Objectives for Guided Reading: SWBAT:

Read with fluency, accuracy and expression

Decode unfamiliar words using strategies


Be able to answer who, what when, where

and why questions

Read and be able to demonstrate

comprehension of a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts

Utilize before, during and after comprehension

strategies (preview, predict, questioning, text
to self, main idea)

Identify character, setting and important


Objectives for Guided Reading: SWBAT:

Read with fluency, accuracy and expression

Decode unfamiliar words using strategies


Be able to answer who, what when, where and

why questions

Read and be able to demonstrate

comprehension of a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts

Utilize before, during and after comprehension

strategies (preview, predict, questioning, text
to self, main idea)

Identify character, setting and important


Objectives for Guided Reading: SWBAT:

Read with fluency, accuracy and expression

Decode unfamiliar words using strategies


Be able to answer who, what when, where

and why questions

Read and be able to demonstrate

comprehension of a variety of fiction and
non-fiction texts

Utilize before, during and after

comprehension strategies (preview, predict,
questioning, text to self, main idea)

Identify character, setting and important


Anticipatory set: Have you been to a

Anticipatory set: What does brave mean?

Anticipatory set: : What does brave

magic show? What happen? In our story

Matt is magic but it causes a problem Lets
read to find out the problem

Do you know someone that is brave? Have you

ever been brave? Lets see how Father Mouse
shows bravery.

mean? Do you know someone that is brave?

Have you ever been brave? Lets see how Tom
shows bravery.
1.Students will read-Tom is Brave Before

. SOLs addressed 1.8 a 1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12

a,bc,1.13 b,d,e,f,g

Criteria for
success for
Guided Reading:
observations of
students while
should demonstrate
the following
behaviors: tracking
when reading,
punctuation, self
monitoring, self
correcting, attentive
listening and

Students will stay on topic

Anticipatory set: Teacher will write a


WednesdayMarch 4, 2015

Anticipatory set: Teacher will write a

. SOLs addressed 1.8 a

1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12 a,bc,1.13 b,d,e,f,g

contributing to
group discussion

Instructional Process:

Instructional Process:

1.Students will read-Magic Matt Before

reading we will take a picture walk, make
predictions to access background knowledge
2.After reading , students will tell the
characteristics of a mammal. We will
compare it to our list we made.

Closure: Students will why Matt was Magic

Resources: books, markers, journal

1.Students will read-Brave Father Mouse

Before reading we will take a picture walk,
make predictions to access background
2.After reading , students will retell the story.
Identify sequence of events in the story. What
happened in the beginning, the middle and the
end of the story?

reading we will take a picture walk, make

predictions to access background
2.After reading , students will retell the
story. Identify sequence of events in the
story. What happened in the beginning, the
middle and the end of the story?

Closure: Students will tell about their

favorite part of the story.

Closure: Students will tell how Father Bear



Homework: Answer questions about the story

in complete sentences. Students may illustrate
their answers.


books, markers, journal


books, markers, journal

March 5

Criteria for
success for
observation of
students while
completing their
Students should
capitalization and
punctuation 3 out
of 3 times.

Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing
spell monthly spelling words correctly in
Successfully write 2 sentences on the
given topic
Sentences will have capitalization and
Students will stay on topic

Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing
spell monthly spelling words correctly
in writing

Successfully write 2 sentences on the

given topic

Sentences will have capitalization and


Students will stay on topic

Anticipatory set: Teacher will review long o

Anticipatory set: Teacher will review

o / sshort o words for the week..

/ sshort o words for the week..

Instructional Process:

long o / sshort o words for the week..

Students will
be given words to sort. Students will write the
words and then write a sentence for each word.

Students will
be given words to sort. Students will write the
words and then write a sentence for each word.

Closure: Students will tell what makes the

Closure: Students will tell what makes the long

will be given words to sort. Students will write
the words and then write a sentence for each

long o say o ( Silent e)

o say o ( Silent e)



Instructional Process:

sentences, markers,

. SOLs addressed 1.8 a 1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12

a,bc,1.13 b,d,e,f,g

Criteria for
success for
observation of
students while

Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing
spell monthly spelling words correctly in
Successfully write 2 sentences on the
given topic
Sentences will have capitalization and
Students will stay on topic

Anticipatory set: Teacher will review long


Friday-March 6

Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing
spell monthly spelling words correctly in
Successfully write 2 sentences on the
given topic
Sentences will have capitalization and

sentences, markers, journal,

. SOLs addressed 1.8 a 1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12

a,bc,1.13 b,d,e,f,g

Instructional Process:

Closure: Students will tell what makes the

long o say o ( Silent e)


sentences, markers,

. SOLs addressed 1.8 a
1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12 a,bc,1.13 b,d,e,f,g

Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing
spell monthly spelling words correctly in
Successfully write 2 sentences on the
given topic
Sentences will have capitalization and

Objectives for Writing: SWBAT:

Help create a web to help with writing
spell monthly spelling words correctly
in writing

Successfully write 2 sentences on the

given topic

Sentences will have capitalization and

completing their
Students should
capitalization and
punctuation 3 out
of 3 times.


Students will stay on topic

Students will stay on topic

Anticipatory set: As a class we will read Dr. sues
Books- Cat in the Hat
Instructional Process: Students will write a
sentence telling what happens in the beginning ,
middle, and end
Closure: Students will share their writing


Students will stay on topic

Students will stay on topic

Anticipatory set: As a class we will read Dr. sues
Books- Cat in the Hat
Instructional Process: Students will write a
sentence telling what happens in the beginning ,
middle, and end
Closure: Students will share their writing


Students will stay on topic

Students will stay on topic

Anticipatory set: As a class we will read Dr.
sues Books- Cat in the Hat
Instructional Process: Students will write a
sentence telling what happens in the beginning ,
middle, and end
Closure: Students will share their writing

Resources: books, markers, journal,

Resources: books, markers, journal,

Resources: books, markers, journal,




books, markers, journal,

books, markers, journal,

books, markers, journal,

. SOLs addressed 1.8 a 1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12


. SOLs addressed 1.8 a 1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12


. SOLs addressed 1.8 a

1.9a,b,c,d,e,f,h,1.12 a,bc,1.13

Weekend homework:L Lesson 91

Practice March words
Practice books in folder

Weekend homework:L Lesson 91

Practice March words
Practice books in folder

Weekend homework:L Lesson 91

Practice March words
Practice books in folder

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