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THE LIMITS OF THE CITY with a New Introd Murray Bookchin BLACK] ROSE, [BOOKS| Preface to the first edition “This esay attempts to provide a meaningful perspective ‘onthe dovelopment ofthe city, It begins with a remote era “when the lend donninated the town and traces urban evoli= ton tothe present, when great metropolitan entities domi- rte the countryside. Tn the course of dealing with this Isterie development and its consequences for us, the book fevamines certain traditions of urbanism that have been Virtually forgotten todsy. My purpose is to provide the ‘reader with an iden of what the city was once ike at is best to recover high standards of urbanism all the more to {question the present lak of standards in judging the med- fern metropolis and the sooty that fosters its growth, “This book is radically critical: it offers no recipes for ur- ban revitalization within the framework of the present social order, nor does it make those esthetically tender ‘concessions to design projects that even radical urbanists folfer as substitutes for meaningful socal relations. Ifthe modern metropolis is viewed agaist the larger baek- ‘ground of urban history, it will be seen as the complete vii Tite Lnarrs oF vam erry negation of eit life as it was conceived during the more ciulized ers ofthe pat. My purpose i to strengthen such ‘comparison, and to emphasizeas strongly as can thet the zootsofthe urban crisis today lienot merely in poor dese ing, bad logistics, neglected neighborhoods, and inade- {quate material support, but in the social system which has created these problems in the fst place and produced the modern metropolis. This book tries to show that the city must be viewed not only as a special arena for human sociation called “urban’"—one that bes ehanged in charsc- ter fom one historieal period to another—but also asthe product of dstinet socal relations and modes of social de- “Velopment. Accordingly, to rescue urban life today would require @ fandamental change in society, not just a new urban design. Important as design may be, iis Function of socal life sel and since modern society ls basally inrtional it should not surprise us that the city reects and (Leven exaggerates the social irationaites of our time. ‘To draw sharp contrasts betwoen the degraded stand ards of contemporary urbanism and the high standards achieved by earlier dies seems especially important today if only to rescue the latter from eblivion. We are slowly losing a humanistic conception af the very meaning, oF the ‘word “ity” Paradoxically, we live in a world marked by rampant urbanization—bat one that lacks rea cities. As the once clearly demareated cities inherited from the past are devoured by the expanding metropolis, the city begins to lose its definition and specificity, as well a its function san authentic arena for community and solidarity. The city dsappearsin the great urban belts which apread across the land. Even the countryside is transformed into urban parkland ora complex of highly industrialized agricultural factories. Contemporary city planning, insofar ast hypos- tatizes the design or logistial sgpects of urbanism at the ‘expense ofits human and communitarian geals, becomes truly stavstic. Ifthe priests of the ancient monumental cities were city planners who imposed a cosmological de- sign on urbanized areas to glory the power of deiged ‘monarchies, the modern ity planners have become priests whose urban designs are crasly institutional and btltarian, Both are architects of the mythic in that they subserve the eity—ite haman seale and its communitarian ‘limension—to suprahiman and nonhuman ends, In the pages that follow, detalls and side developments ‘of urban history ave been deliberately sacrificed for ‘brevity and clarity of presentation, Far too many works on the development of the ety overwhelm the reader witha dense undergrowth of factual materil and esthetic opin fon, withthe result thatthe reader loses all porspective of the essential rends in urban history and the making ofthe ‘modem metropolis. This book tries to maintain «clear focus throughout and deals with what I regard as vital aspects of the relationship between town and country, the femergence of the modern city, and the soeal and elvic {eterioration which reaches into the very marrow of mod- fem urbanis. "The first two chapters, "Land and City” and “The Rise ofthe Hourgeois City," ar wel ar the “Inteeduction” and the opening pages of “The Limits ofthe Bourgoois City” were writen in the late 1050: and published in ab: Dreviated form im May 1960 inthe Anglo-American quar terly Contemporary Isues. These chapters had an under sound circolation among friends who continually urged ‘me to publish them in full They appoar here in complete form forthe frst time. The analysis they contain of the relationship between town and country parallels in so 7 xX THE LnoTs oF rue cry ‘many ways Marrs more fragmentary discusion of the same subject in the now-famous Grundrise der Kitt der ‘polttischen Okonomie that Iwas more than pleasantly sur. prised to note the similarities when Man's work appeared {in Hobsbawm’s Marx on Pre-Capitolist Formations. Yet ‘Marx's work was unavallable to me when T wrote these ‘chapters; indeed, the Grundrise was generally unknown at that time, atleast in the English-speaking world. The fragmentary Hobsbawm edition was not published untt 1964, more than sx years after The Limite ofthe City had been written and more than four years aftr it appeared in its Contemporary Iosue version, Accordingly, readers who find Marx's work on the relationship of the town to the countryside inthe Grundrose a valuables do wil prob. ably benefit greatly from a close reading of The Limits of ‘the City. ve lef these opening chapters untouched ox- cept for very minor stylistic changes. Inthe remainder of ‘this book—which isto say, most ofthe material i ey tirely new and caries the analysis ofthe ety into our own times, ‘Today, my own socal views are more committed to a LMbertarian perspective than they were in the 1950s, These views are developed in considerable detail in my Fost. Scarcity Anarchism (Ramparts Books, 1971)* and ste un e| {lap ‘oy uooen pur paps-2uo sowosaq Apes OHNO

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