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March 2015


Surroundings can inspire

creative responses

During this unit, the children were able to

unleash their creative instincts to produce a
variety of work. Our unit started with a
visit to the Art Museum. Here the children
were introduced to a variety of art styles
from a representative of the museum. The
children also took inspiration from the
harbour views and buildings around them to
create some of their own pieces.
The unit gave the opportunity to work in a
variety of surroundings and see what
inspiration could be taken from each place.
We spent a session on the Ma On Shan
promenade creating whatever the children
wanted to as well as listening carefully to the
sounds around them. The children listened
to a variety of genres of songs and drew
images that came to to them whilst listening
to these. We were lucky to have a session of
expressive dance, allowing the children to
think about level, space and pattern.
Cardboard boxes encouraged groups to
express themselves through building
collaboratively, solving problems and
resolving conflict. We made connection to
our Language unit by thinking about words
and ways to describe things. The children
produced a colour poem and recorded this
using an avatar and published it to their
blogs. We had a number of sessions with
Mr Prohaska in the Red Door Centre using
Sketch Up on the laptops.
Here the
children learnt a variety of skills to create a
variety of 3D objects and shapes as well as
record an animation of their finished work
and export this to their google drive.
The summative task provided the children
with the opportunity to create anything they
wished to showcase their creativity. There
was a wide variety creative pieces, ranging
from building with boxes, to Sketch Up,
iMovies and Garageband to
name a few. The children worked through
the creative process in the initial planning
stage and reflected on what it means to be

Issue Number Three

Lines of Inquiry:

Finding out what inspires

Finding inspiration in the
world around us
The creative process

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