In The Style of Plan 2

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Photoshoot planner

GCSE photography


Bethany Oliver

Shoot/draft no:

Project title:

In The Style Of Olivia Parker

Your next steps from the previous shoot(s) how will you refine and develop your work?
I will use a torch to create more contrast and use a white background for some photos.

Description of aims and ideas for your shoot what do you want your photographs to communicate?
I want my photographs to have a clear link to Olivia Parkers work. I want to recreate the range of contrast Parker
uses and create a variety of photos. I will use some natural items and some other items, such as buttons, as the
subjects for my photos.



8:45 10:45

Location notes permission, studio, booking, transport and weather

Classroom (G63)

Photographer/artist inspiration
I decided to do my photos in the style of Olivia Paker. I think her photos are interesting as thay have a range of
contrast and are defined.
Techniques/processes you will use to achieve your aims
I will use aperture in some of my photos as I think this will have an interesting effect. I will use photoshop to make
my photos black and white and have a lot of contrast
Equipment notes
I will bring in my own items to use as subjects for my photos. I will use a torch as well to create more contrast in my

Camera Y
Models N

Tripod N
Props Y

Lighting Y
Crew N

Camera checks:

Battery charged (the day before) Memory card Y/N?

File type Y/N?
Correct white balance Y/N?

He who fails to plan is planning to fail - Winston Churchill

ISO setting Y/N?

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