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This Summative assignment will be based around creating a mixed
media portrait that answers your refined hybrid identity question we
have been developing and is divided into 3 components:

1. Critical Analysis
You will research a contemporary artist and go through the process of
developing/ refining a theme about hybridity that you can represent in
your self-portrait. You may chose to borrow elements of this artists
work to pay homage to the artist, contrast one of their ideas/ themes
that are different from your own, or distort or challenge of their ideas/
elements of their style by adding your own twist to it. This research will
be a component of your mark and will help you develop a stronger

2. Creative Process
You will create a series of 10 thumbnail sketches that explore your
theme and get feedback from one peer and the instructor to develop
your strongest concept. You will then brainstorm the identity container
that will contain your mixed media elements/ portrait and think about
what container design would best suit your theme (i.e. match your idea
of your identity of how you see your outer/ inner self)

3. Studio (portfolio piece)

You will first create the container for your portrait and then begin to
assemble your materials to represent your theme using words, images,
objects and juxtaposition different media and elements. Emphasis is on
using the elements and principles of design to strengthen your
concept. Remember you piece should convey the identity question you
have developed throughout the unit and have explored in the critical
analysis stage. You should also try to make your piece fit within your
body of work developed this semester by using similar elements,
symbols while still exploring a unique concept in mixed media.

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