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Revised Fall 2013

Oklahoma Academic Standards

Common Core

Brandi Trompler

Exploring The Characters in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

UNIT TITLE (unit to which this lesson relates): Exploring The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

5th Grade

SUBJECT Language Arts

TIME ALLOTED: 50 minutes



Male 10


Students w/exceptional learning needs:



Total # Students



Language diversity (please explain): 1 student with French as his first language. Student will be
allowed to use the IPAD in his native language and will be able to pair up with a proficient
English-speaking student when needed.
Socio-economic considerations (please explain): 2 students with a lower socio-economic
situation. Extra supplies that are needed by the student are available in the classroom and will be
provided to the students if needed.
Race / ethnicity considerations (please explain): 8 African American students, 6 Hispanic
students, 7 Caucasian students, and 3 Native American students. This lesson is race/ethnicity
Classroom Management of IPAD Usage
The teacher will review the following classroom management procedures when using the IPAD
with the students before allowing students to use any IPAD.
1. When do the students use them and when not? The students use the IPADs in the PreAssessment when they take the pre-assessment quiz using the Socrative app and the Independent
Practice when they create trading cards using The Trading Cards app. They do not use the
IPADs during the Introduction, Instruction Procedures, Guided Practice, and Supplemental
2. Are they for classroom only or do they go home too? They are for classroom use only.
3. Are they shared or individual to each student? Each individual student has an IPAD. They are
not shared.
4. Can the students use them outside of your lesson? No
5. How will you address students learning to use the IPAD? The teacher will give explicit
instruction on how to use the IPAD for this assignment. The teacher will show the students how
to turn on and off the IPAD, how to log into the IPAD, and how to open and operate the

Revised Fall 2013

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Common Core
applications used in this lesson plan. If a student is struggling, the teacher or another proficient
student will help the struggling student.
6. How will you address security of the IPAD in your classroom? IPADs have unique numbers
attached to the back of each one. Students will be assigned IPADs and the teacher will write
down the number of IPAD given to each student and the student with initial next to the number
agreeing with the number written. Students will be told that they are assigned an IPAD and are
responsible to return the IPAD to the teacher in the same condition it left the teacher. When the
IPAD is returned, the teacher will mark off the students name and IPAD number on his or her
7. How will you address the proper treatment of the IPAD by the students? The teacher will have a
list of rules for the students displayed on the board. The rules will state that the students must
always hold the IPAD with two hands, the student must always be seated when using the IPAD,
students must turn off the IPAD screen when the teacher is talking, students must be gentle with
the IPAD, and students must only use the application or website that the teacher has assigned.
The teacher will tell the students this if any of these rules are broken, the student can lose the
privilege of using the IPAD.
8. How will you address a broken IPAD? Both in addressing how it was broken but also how will
the student work if it is broken and unavailable? If a student breaks an IPAD, the teacher will
pull that student aside and explain the rules and discuss what went wrong. If the student is
apologetic and it appeared to be an accident, he or she will be given another IPAD and will be
closely supervised. If another IPAD is not available, then he or she may work with another
student. If the student is not apologetic and/or it appears that the IPAD being broken was not an
accident, the teacher will request a meeting with his or her parent/guardian to discuss the matter
further. This student may finish the assignment using pen and paper.
9. What consequences will happen for misuse and how will that change the learning environment
for the students? The teacher will meet with the student privately and discuss the consequences
of misusing the IPAD. The IPAD will be taken away from the student and he or she must finish
the assignment by creating a trading card by hand. In the future, students who misuse the IPAD
will be closely supervised and if misconduct is observed a second time, then the student will not
be allowed to use the IPAD until a meeting with his or her parent/guardian is done. During this
meeting, the parents/guardian will be informed of the issues and as a team we will discuss
proper disciplinary procedures.
10. What additional knowledge, skills and abilities does a teacher need prior to teaching with these
types of mobile technology? The teacher will need to know how to troubleshoot an IPAD in case
it is not working. This includes knowing at least how to connect to Internet, how to restart the
IPAD if it is not working correctly, know how to charge the IPAD and check the battery usage.
The teacher will also need to know how to download the Trading Cards app on each IPAD, how
to print using the IPAD, and how to create a class and questions on the Socrative app.

Revised Fall 2013

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Common Core
UNIT LEARNING GOAL (unit to which this lesson relates):
Students will read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and will be able to discuss and describe the
characters, settings, and events in this story.
SPECIFIC LESSON OBJECTIVES (*Classroom Management Domain #1--Preparation):
What do you want your students to know and be able to do after instruction?
1. Students will be able to describe one character from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
book and be able to describe events related to this character
(Instructional Effectiveness Domain #7-8Literacy & Common Core Standards)
1. Identify Common Core standards that align to this lesson:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.3 Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a
story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a characters thoughts,
words, or actions).
2. Identify National/SPA/PASS objectives/standards that align to this lesson (when applicable):
LESSON ASSESSMENT (*Classroom Management Domain #5Assessment Practices)
1. Pre-Assessment of Student Knowledge & Skills (5 minutes
How will you assess students prior knowledge and skills?
The teacher will explain to the students that since they have finished reading The Lion,
the Witch, and the Wardrobe they will now concentrate on the individual characters in the
story. Each student be using their own IPADS for this lesson and the IPADs must stay in
the classroom. The teacher will review the rules of the IPAD before they are given out.
The students will be assigned an IPAD for this lesson and asked to carry it with two
hands to their desk and wait for further instruction. After all IPADs have been assigned,
the teacher will show the students how to start to start their IPADs and open the Socrative
App. The teacher will now give the students time to do so themselves and answer any
questions or provide assistance for those struggling. After all the IPADs are started and
the students have opened the Socrative App, the teacher will give the students a room
number to enter. With this room number, the students will be directed to an area where
the teacher has created five multiple-choice questions for the students to answer over The
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in order to determine their comprehension of the book.
Here is a list of the questions:

Who is the oldest sibling? (Peter)


Why did Lucy enter the wardrobe? (They were playing hide and seek)


Who did Lucy first meet in Narnia? (Mr. Tumnus)



Revised Fall 2013

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Common Core
What is the effect of the spell that the White Witch has cast on Narnia? (Its winter all
the time and never Christmas)
Why does Aslan go to the Stone Table to die? (To save Edmond from the White

After this assessment is complete, the teacher will tell the students to turn off the IPADs
and the teacher will collect them. The IPADs will stay assigned to the students since they
will be used later in the lesson.
2. Formative Assessment (*Instructional Effectiveness Domain #13--Adjusts Based on
How will you monitor students understanding during instruction?
While students are in their groups, the teacher will walk up to each group and ask
individual students a few questions over the characters and events they read about in The
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
3. Post Assessment (*Instructional Effectiveness Domain #16--Student Achievement)
How will you assess students understanding at the end of the lesson?
Students understanding of the objective will be evaluated during independent practice.
The students will be required to create a trading card over an assigned character. The
following rubric is how the students will be assessed on their trading cards.
Excellent-10 points
Student answered all
questions on the
trading card.
Students trading card
accurately represented
the character and
events in the story.
The student gave a
printed copy of the
trading card to the
teacher by the end of

Fair-5 points
Student did not
answer 1-2 questions
on the trading card.

Poor-0 points
Student did not
answer 3 or more
questions on the
trading card.
Students trading card Students trading card
mostly represented the did not represent the
character and events
character and events
in the story.
in the story.
The student gave a
The student did not
printed copy of the
give the teacher a
trading card to the
printed a copy of
teacher but not by the trading cards.
end of class.

Total Point Value:

A=30-27, B=26-24, C=23-21, D=20-18, F=17 and below

Revised Fall 2013

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Common Core
INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN (Classroom Management Domain #1 & #4, Preparation & Lesson
1. Introduction/Set Induction/Hook
Describe how you will interest and involve your students so that they are motivated to learn.
The teacher will have the students gather in a big circle in the middle of the room. In the middle of the
circle will be many props like coats, a beaver, a lion, many other animals, Styrofoam swards, helmets,
stick horses, and a lions mane.
The teacher will select a group of students and assign them roles related to the book they are reading.
The teacher will have the students to act out the following scenes1.

The children going through the wardrobe for the first time went though the wardrobe.


Edmond meeting the White Witch for the first time.


The children meeting Aslan for the first time.


The final battle


The crowning of the children.

2. Instructional Procedures (*Instructional Effectiveness Domain #10-13Explains Content,

Explains Directions, Models, & Monitors)
Describe what the teacher and students will actually DO as they engage in learning.

After the pre-assessment and hook, the teacher will place the students in groups of four
and give each group different pictures of scenes from The Lion, the Witch, and the
Wardrobe. As a group, the students will discuss five questions provided by the teacher.
The teacher will then lead a group discussion over the same questions.
2. The teacher will speak different lines from the book and the students will tell the teacher
who said the lines and what was happening when the line was being said.
3. The teacher will assign different characters to each student and then instruct them to use
the IPAD to create a character trading card using the Trading Cards app.
4. After the trading card is made and printed, the students will group with other students who
have the same character and discuss the similarities and differences of their trading cards.
1. Adjustments/Adaptations (*Instructional Effectiveness Domain #14 & #16Adjusts Based
on Monitoring & Student Achievement)
Describe how you will adjust your instruction to accommodate students with exceptional
learning needs, language diversity or other learning variations.
For my students with hearing impairments:
Place students near teacher and avoid moving around too much when

Revised Fall 2013

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Common Core
For my students with visual impairments:
The teacher will increase the font size on the IPAD.
For my students with learning impairments:
Allow extra time to complete tasks or work with partners if needed.
For my students with physical impairments:
The student will be paired with another student who will retrieve and
return the IPAD and will assist this student with the IPAD as needed.
For my students who are gifted and talented:
Students will be allowed to create their own trading card template where
they will need to create questions and answers that divulge deeper into the
physical and emotional development of their assigned character.
For my English as Second Language Students:
The IPAD language will be set in their native language.
For my visual learners:
Students will be given pictures of scenes from the book to discuss in
For my auditory learners:
Students will discuss scenes and characters from the book with their
groups and with the whole class.
For my kinesthetic learners:
Students will act out different scenes from the book using props.
2. Guided Practice (*Instructional Effectiveness Domain #9Involves All Learners)
Describe the type of practice students will do with your supervision.
The students will be placed in groups of four and given a picture of scenes from a
character from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
1. As a group, the students will discuss the following questions:
What makes this character so special?
What is his or her best fighting skill and why?
Is this character a leader or a follower and why?
Does this character get into trouble or die? If so, explain what happens.
2. After the groups have a chance to discuss the questions, the teacher will discuss the
questions and answers with the whole class.
3. Then the teacher will say the following lines (aloud and with expression) from the book
and have the students tell who said these lines and what was happening when the lines
were being said:
To the Great Western Wood, I give you King Edmund the Just." (Aslan-crowning
the kids)
"How dare you come alone?" "Did I not tell you to bring the others with you?"
(Jadis, the White Witch, speaking to Edmund when he arrived at the castle
without his brother and sisters)

Revised Fall 2013

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Common Core

She thinks she's found a magical land... In the upstairs wardrobe. (Susan-talking
about Lucy going through the wardrobe alone)
"Come on, let's give it a try. All keep close together. We ought to be a match for
one beaver if it turns out to be an enemy." (Peter said it when they first met Mr.
Beaver and he wanted the children to follow him).

C. Independent Practice (*Instructional Effectiveness Domain #9Involves All Learners)(15

1. The teacher will hand out the assigned IPADS to each student and will review the rules
again. The students should not start their IPAD until the teacher tells them to do so.
2. Using the IPAD, the teacher will show the students how to open the Character Trading
Cards app and will demonstrate how to navigate through this tool. The teacher will tell
the students that this app is downloaded on each IPAD for each student to use.
3. The teacher will number the students off from 1-6 to assign them characters for their
trading cards. On the board the teacher will have written:
1=Peter, 2=Lucy, 3=Edmond, 4=Susan, 5=Aslan, and 6=the White Witch).
4. The students will now be instructed to start his or her IPAD and to click on The Character
Trading Cards App.
5. They will begin creating their trading cards by accurately answering all the questions in
the IPAD app for the characters they were assigned.
6. When done, the students will print a copy of their trading card.
7. The students will gather with other students who were assigned the same character and
will discuss the differences and similarities in their cards.
8. If time is remaining, students will share their trading cards with the class. They will stay
in groups with based upon the character and will go up to the front of the class as a group.
Each student should embrace the character they are describing. They may do this by
using the props from the Hook and/or by changing their voice. They should read one
thing from their trading card but change the first line to I am_(character name)____ and
I _(describe an event)_____. For example, I am Aslan and I died on the Stone Table to
save Edmond.
3. Closure/Summary (*Instructional Effectiveness Domain #15Establishes Closure)
How will you end the instruction, summarize, or help students connect the lessons
concepts to previous or future learning?
Today we:
Discussed five questions over The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. As a group,
the students will discuss five questions provided by the teacher. The teacher will
then lead a group discussion over the same questions.
Determine who said specific lines in the book and what was happening when the
line was said.
Created a character trading card using the IPAD and printed the trading card to
discuss the similarities and differences of their trading cards.

Revised Fall 2013

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Common Core
RESOURCES AND MATERIALS (including technology)
Resources and Materials that the teacher will provide:

A copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia, Book 1) by C.S.
Lewis enough for teacher and each student

An IPAD with Socrative and Trading Cards apps download on each enough IPADS for teacher
and each student. IPADs should also be set to print using the wireless enabled printer.

Props such as coats, a beaver, a lion, many other animals, Styrofoam swards, helmets, stick
horses, and a lions mane

A wireless enabled printer and copy paper

Resources and Materials that the students will provide:

Copy paper for book

Crayons or colored pencils for book cover


The students will create their own book over the life of Peter, Edmund, Lucy or Susan after they left
Narnia. They should decide on a creative title for their book and will share this title with the rest of the
class. The students will use copy paper to create the cover of their book and will draw and color an
appropriate picture. This book should be written about what they think happened to that character after
they left Narnia (tactile). When finished, the student will show the class their book cover (visual). The
students will use props and friends to act out a scene in their book (kinesthetic and audio).

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