Assgnment 4

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An Inflection

By: Tia Belcher

Taken Feb. 1st, 2015
By: Tia Belcher
Charles St. and Redwood St.
Baltimore, MD

*A Bit of Me
* 5ft tall
* Eyes change color
* English Major
* Work in the SSC
* Had a green Mohawk before
* Only grew 2 inches from age 10 to age 20

In This Order, I Would

* Get a small house close to Baltimore

* Pay off my Sisters College Fees
* Set aside Childrens College Funds
* Get a Lemon tree in my yard
* Put half aside as savings
* Donate to mental health awareness
If I Won the Lottery

*The Lottery of Love


Listening to Music






Playing Music

*Musical Instruments
I can Play

* Flute
* Recorder
* Guitar
* Bass Guitar
* Piano / Keyboard

*Superpower Morphing
I would choose to morph. There would be no
more laughing because I am small, or people
acting like they didnt see me. If they did, I
could morph into something huge, or turn into
something small for them to step on. I could
help with saving people and many other tasks. I
could make my future children laugh by
morphing as well.

*School Taught Me
* When its worth the fight
* How to hide a cat in my jacket
* Calculus I will never need
* How to learn nothing and pass
* Chicken in spanish is pollo
* Good Looks wont compensate for intelligence
* I dont want to be like my parents

What My Supervisor Would Say About Me

* Hard Working
* Reliable
* Friendly
* Quick to remember rules
* Slow to remember numbers
* Eager, sometimes too much
* Works better in routines
* Needs time to adjust

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