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Police Harass Groups They Hate

Just because they can

First it starts like this, with a tip.

Then its Fear - Amplified

Cops check the details

Cops make a few calls

Frank Krauses emails were not available for
this portion of the events, and he probably did
not memorialize his call to the venue with an
email to himself.
This tactic mirrors closely the experiences of
the Pitchpipe Infoshop in Tacoma in 2007-9.

Results of the call are relayed to intel

Then they send results back

Then they pass off the harassment

to another agency

Now you know it aint luck!

Those random traffic stops

The tickets you always seem to get
That landlord suddenly turned cold
Why did that boss really fire you?
Is that new buddy really MY buddy?
Hey look someone wrote SSSS on my
boarding pass at the airport!

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