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Ways to embed a picture in a course forum (iLearn)

Step 1

Click at this button. When the cursor is

moved to this button, the word image

will appear. The button is grayscale in

Step 2

Once the image button is clicked, the image will appear.
Here, you have two options to upload your picture. One, if
you store your picture on a website, you may type the URL
address. Two, if you have the picture saved in your desktop,
you may click the button Browse.

Step 3

Once you have chosen your upload

option, click ok to continue to embed
your picture.

Step 4

The picture will appear at where the

cursor | is. The picture will appear
according to its size.

Step 5

Drag the picture to adjust its size.

Now you can write your essay/response with the picture embedded in your essay/response. Have fun!

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