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Julia Calderon

6 March 2015
Wild Part 3: Reading Responses
Q1: In Chapter 9, Cheryl leaves Sierra City and gets back on the PCT. What takes Cheryl by
surprise as she gets back on the trail? How did the author foreshadow this event?
A1: As Cheryl gets back on the trail she feels safe that she has bypassed all of the snow that
she had discovered earlier. However, as she is hiking past Sierra City she notices the floor
getting muddy. This confused her at first, because the day had seemed so bright and sunny.
Cheryl explains, By midday I was up above seven thousand feet and the trail grew muddy,
though it hadnt rained in days... (Strayed 137). In all the confusion Cheryl never anticipated
what would come next, ...finally when [I] rounded a bend, [I] came upon a field of snow. Or
rather, what I took to be a field, which implied there was no end to it (Strayed 137). This is what
surprised Cheryl so much after she got back on the trail; the last thing she was expecting was
more snow. Not only did Cheryl have to hike through the snow, but she left her ice pick back at a
drop box, and could not see the trail under the snow.
As Cheryl is pushing her way through the treacherous snow, she begins to realise she is
lost. As best described by Cheryl, I wasnt lost. I was screwed (Strayed 139). The chapter title,
Staying Found, foreshadows Cheryl getting lost and needing to find a way back to the trail.
Staying Found is also a book Cheryl brought along for her trip, With my map and compass in
hand. I tried to remember all I could from Staying Found (Strayed 141). The book is entirely
about what to do when one gets lost hiking, and how they can make sure they will be found by
other people. This chapter was cleverly titled as it foreshadowed the events to come, referred to
the book itself, and referred to the fact Cheryl took the book with her.
Q2: Looking back at the beginning of Wild, Cheryl Strayed had a very difficult time handling her
mothers death. However as she hikes the PCT her state of mind begins to transform. What are
some of the decisions Cheryl has reflected upon so far? How does Cheryls character at the
beginning of her journey compare to who she is at the end of part three? Does Cheryls story
impact you in any way. If so, how?
A2: While on her hike across the PCT, Cheryl began her reflection a few weeks into the trip.
This is very understandable, as the hike itself is exhausting and insanely difficult. However,
Cheryls first moment of really reflecting upon her decisions was when she remembered her
experiences with Joe. Cheryl remembered walking with him one night a year ago with a mini
skirt on and nothing underneath and having sex with him against a stone wall in a private cove
of a public park (Strayed 172). Joe resembles a very dark part of Cheryls life because he lead
Cheryl to make many poor decisions. Cheryl shares, I remembered the giddy surge of emotion
Id felt every time we scored another bit of heroin (Strayed 172). At the beginning of this book
Strayed felt no guilt cheating on her husband, or taking heroin. However, what is truly inspiring
about her situation is that as she is still hiking. Even though she isn't always reflecting upon
herself, she has still grown a significant amount.

When comparing Cheryl from chapter four to chapter ten there is a compelling difference
in her character. Cheryl truly proved herself in when the bartender was trying to sleep with her.
When the bartender asked Cheryl to go back to his place she said, Thanks. But Ive got to get
up early and hike in the morning (Strayed 173). As the bartender insisted, she refused again. It
was astonishing to witness Cheryl refuse his offer. From the readers perspective it is easy to
predict Cheryl would have gone back with the bartender considering her past behavior.
I was very proud of Cheryl when she didnt go back with the bartender, because in that
instance she surprised me. She also displayed a great amount of growth in her character.
Cheryls growth throughout her hike is what makes this story so inspirational. I have had many
experiences with people who are resistant to change, and its frustrating to see them refuse
help. However, seeing Cheryl overcome her difficulties on her own and actually improving upon
herself brings me a sense of relief to see that it is possible for people to change. Strayed
continues to surprise and inspire me as I read this book, and I look forward to reaching her
Q3: As Cheryl stopped by a Nevada casino with Greg, she met a peculiar woman in the casino
bathroom. What did the woman point out to Cheryl? How does the symbolism of that item relate
to Cheryl and her journey?

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