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“On! On! U. of K.” to Be Printed in Band Form; . ___ Will Help to Advertise Uiiosrety, Diregfon Hopes Strut Your Stuff |} Try-puts for Drum Major To | arrangement will make the pep song * Be Held Tonight lue for advertising to the univer- | sity since it is not particularly difi- | Try-outs for the position of Kentucky's one and only pep song:||cult, thereby making it available for | drum major in the University of “On! On! U. of K..” which is printed | use by smaller bands and orchestras. | Kentucky R.O.T.C. Band, for the above, is soon to be published 85 8 Tt is not too much to expect that “On! || year of 1926-1927 will be held to- complete band mareh. The work is|/Qn! U. of K.” may yet achieve the|| night and all students desiring being handled by Blmer G. Sulzer,|! popularity of which it is deserving and | to try out are requested to report band director, and Prof. Carl Lampert, | which has been attained by certain | to Band Director Elmer G. Sulzer, hhead of the department of music. "|| ther university songs. | | at his office in the armory, at 7:30 ‘Two new strains have been added "To Revive Band Music || ofelock this evening. to the old arrangement of the pep| In connection with the publication|| " For a number of years Kentucky ‘song in order that the selection will||of the pep song, the department of | has had the reputation of having be of sufficient length for band music. || music is planning to inaugurate a | the snappiest and best drilled band ‘The third strain, oF trio, of the march | campaign for the reviving of interest | in the South, and since a competent will be ‘to the old ar-|lin band music througout the state.|| drum major lends more to the ‘rangement ‘pep song. ‘This would be of value not only to- | appearance of a band than any ‘Will Write New Verse ward the promotion of good music | other single factor, the manage- ‘Mr. Sulzer is the of the| but it would be a means of keeping | ment is especially anxious to se- new strains to the Profes- || the university band well supplied with | cure someone who can uphold the sor Lampert wrote the music to the|| good musicians. | | tradition. of leading “the best band third strain. Te i» probable that one in the South.” of the new strains in the march will Last year Al Wieman, of Lexing- be taken as a verse for the pep song, ton, was drum major of the band | which outshone the University of

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