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Name: Yasar Ahsan.

Grade: 10, section: 1.

Teacher: Ms. Vanathayan.


In what way have people been controlled by others with more

Human being were sent to Earth to fulfill one reason is to learn and encounter new
objectives which the world has to offer. In the past there were several people who
needed guidance to face the problems and overcome, later the people declared that
they needed a leader which that person could be judge due to being wise, success and
reliable rulership. But later few rulers took the advantage by cheating or lying with the
people, so he or she could have a sustainable and majestic life than others. There are
three common procedures which rulers choose to grab their civilians attention by:
success, slavery and rulership.
The most common and reliable way rulers used to become a leader was due to their
success. This procedure make people believe that the ruler is strong, wealthy, wise,
patient, and intelligent because these are the requirements for seeking success in a
society, which they believe the society will become wealthy due to his rulership because
this procedure shows how a ruler could use manipulation in a method of capturing
peoples mind as a successful ruler. This helps the ruler to grab the civilians attention
and which leads them to decide to prefer that specific person as a leader. This sort of
action could be shown from a document called Simon Bolivar Summary which it shows
After years of battle against the Spanish army, on July 5th in 1811 the congress
declared independence and the 1st Republic was proclaimed., this quote defines that
Simon Bolivar fought and lead his country to seek independence after extensive and
long period of war and which the people could believe he is a reliable ruler. This
procedure helps the ruler by making the civilian gain trust on the ruler and which the
ruler could make them believe as the ruler could be trusted due to strength, wealth,
being wise, patient, and intelligent.

This procedure is a really sneaky and clever procedure which the rulers build money by
fooling the people into a trap and make the people believe he is a wealthy and powerful
ruler by using them harshly this is called slavery. Slavery is a life or death sort of
procedure which the ruler could make his people to work hard and earn a lot of money
and if the civilians could understand it, the people would clinch his throne and will
execute him later. An evidence has been found of slavery from a document Life in Latin
America Under Spanish Rule which it shows In theory, the encomenderos were
supposed to look after and protect the people were in their care, but in reality it was

often nothing more than legalized slavery. This describes that Latin American realized
later that the Spanish were supposed to help and guide the Latin American but the
realistic part is that they used them as slaves and would give them lower amount of
wage which didnt help them at neither point. This procedure helps the ruler to receive
money and power in a fast period of time which could show the ruler as he/she is a
successful ruler, but if the civilians could understand the method which the ruler uses for
success and which could lead the a disastrous situation for the ruler.
Another method which is the most wise and powerful method is used which brings
reliability, power and intelligence towards the leader which is great rulership. This helps
the ruler to be splendid because of his wise words, successful achievement and
advances, which he has taken to improve his country and which the civilians will trust
his command. An appropriate evidence has been found to describe great rulership is
from Simon Bolivar Quotes which he said The first duty of the government is to give
education to the people as it describes that Simon Bolivar is a high expecting leader,
want to improve his country and lead it to success, which it probably brought trust upon
every single one of his civilians.
Powerful leaders uses this method which could captivate their civilians minds and
believe that they are the which the civilians could trust.
These are the three most effective methods which leaders used to control their
countries with power. Slavery, success and rulership methods helped several leaders to
grab their civilians, which it also should helps the current rulers in this time to grab his
civilians attention and prefers the ruler to be one of the greatest than other wise people.
In the current time still people uses great rulership and success to prove that he or she
is a great leader, but as today people already know about slavery which they have
abolished it from their mind to let it happen as the leader knows the consequences. The
world still uses these methods to be renowned as successful leaders, which some of
them are still using this methods and are gaining success but some have used the risky
method and had felt circumstances of using it.

Nationalism political and economic decisions led

to conflict with other ethnic groups.

Claim- My paragraph begins with the insightful

elaboration of a restated question, prompt, or
focusing arguable statement


Context- My response provides a context for the

evidence, telling the reader where the evidence


comes from and providing a very short summary

of the texts main idea
Evidence- I used 2 right there details from the
text (specific facts direct from the reading; short
quotes) that clearly support the claim


Explanation- I have explained what the evidence

proves and connected each piece of evidence to
the claim

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