Balanced Score Card: Pantaloon Retail Limited

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Balanced Score Card

Pantaloon Retail Limited

The balanced scorecard is a model of business performance evaluation that
balances measures of financial performance, internal operations, innovation and
learning, and customer satisfaction. If an organization is to remain viable in a
changing and ever more competitive business environment, its managers need to
continually ask the questions emphasized in the balanced scorecard.It is a
framework that helps organizations translates strategy into operational objectives
that drive both behavior and performance.

Pantaloon Retail ltds BSC: with the vision of the company to achieve the
25%growth on both sales and profit terms and with the vision in mind, BSC
created on these four parameters:
Financial Perspective
Customer Perspective,
Internal Operation Perspective and
Innovation/Learning Perspective
Balance score card is a comprehensive performance measurement tool that reflects
all the measures critical for the success of the firms strategy.
Its a performance report based on a broad set of both financial and non financial
measures. Customer value creation in turn drives financial performance and

Financial Perspective
Financial Growth (25%)
Increase shareholders wealth
Increase Profit Margin
Sales target 1200cr (2007-08)

Cost management
Financial Ratios
1. Profit growth 25%

2. Sales growth 30%

Customer Satisfaction
After Sale services to retain customer
Market Penetration

Customer retunes and complaints.
Customer satisfaction surveys.
Coverage and strength of distribution channel.

Internal Operation Perspective:

Reduce Number of defects, amount of rework, number of returns.
Increase machine efficiency.

Innovations and Research & Development
Training to employees

Innovation and Learning Perspective

Increase Number of new apparel designs.
Increase R & D output success rate.
Employee turnover, number of complaints.
Employee satisfaction and retention.

Increase Number of training hours.
Introduce New Technology
Employee Welfare

This Balance score card will help Pantaloon retail to increase the knowledge skills
and systems that employees will need (learning and growth) to innovate build and
adopt the right strategic capabilities and efficiencies (internal process) that delivers
desired value to the market (customer) which will eventually lead to the
accumulation of shareholders wealth.

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