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Dear Evaluator,


Hello! My name is Yasar Ahsan, Im a 10th grader of Origins High School and as today
is roundtables which Ill be illustrator. Roundtable is a part of our school, which every
trimester the subjects we have learned and as we are going to present the one project
which we feel confident upon. On this roundtable as I will be presenting my work called
Nationalism Essay which I focused how a leader should be successful and gain
respect from civilians, the methods were shown that maybe probably used by
successful leaders in this time.
History affects our lives by showing us how human beings have evolved, that will also
show us how our mood has changed during time and will our era be remembered as
history? History affects our daily as its establishing the change of human lives and
which we are going towards the future. The most important topic which we learned
about this trimester which topic I thought is interesting, is Imperialization where
dominant countries took over other countries and how the lower class civilians had to
endure such intolerable laws and commands from the missionaries. And the topic which
I felt was less interesting is the Meiji Restoration and Isolationism, which showed us
how Japan has isolated themselves from other countries and figured their own unique
rules for developing the country and had a government called the Meiji as they brought
several unique paths of improving Japan. History is important in our lives as it could
give us the basics knowledge, how the roots of human beings and knowledge have
changed during the time.
This year I have encountered several interesting topics and expressed which topics are
interesting or least interesting towards me. I hope everyone has got a walk through of
the 2nd trimesters History class and everybody is interested upon evaluating
myNationalism Essay, and Thank you for paying attention!

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