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SKILL C: Handling Experiment Observations and Data

TOPIC: Variation in humans

AIM OF INVESTIGATION: To investigate variation in humans

Measuring tapes, graph paper

1. Measure the heights of all the students in your class in centimeters (cm)
2. Record the results showing the number of pupils at each group height.
3. Divide the heights into 3 cm groups. Complete the table below to show how many
pupils there are at various heights.
Height in cm

No. of pupils

4. Plot your results on graph paper.

5. What is the height range, i.e., the difference in height between the shortest and the
tallest pupil?
6. Did you have any anomalous results or inconsistent results? If yes, how did you deal
with then?
7. What are the possible sources of experimental error in this investigation?
8. What conclusions can you draw from the results obtained from the graph.


heights divided into 3 cm groups

2. Axes labelled and row height data plotted or 3cm group data to show continuous
variation in human height
3. Height range calculated correctly
4. Analyzed data
5. Commented on possible source(s) of error or limitations/ dealt appropriately with
inconsistent result(s).
6. Valid conclusion.

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