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Daphne Grier

Instructor Baker
Interdisciplinary Project
March, 10, 2015.

In the city of Raeford, located in Hoke County North Carolina, the people use 1077 kWh/
month. Which is 19.27% more than the entire US on average (which is 907 kWh/month).
Costing them around $141000.84 each year in electric bills. Considering the average income that
households receive each year, the city falls under the working class. Building a home that is
energy efficient and environmentally friendly would be the start to the future of a city with lower
utility bills and a lower pollution rate.
The way the construction of this new house will proceed will be done as following
information directs. I have included an extra two weeks to the completion date of the
construction timeline, due to the fact that of the possibilities of possible delays. The house will
be built within a course of 3 months (see Table 1 for the full timeline). During this construction
process, there will be various technologies used. These being bulldozers. cranes, and drills (and
other hand-held tools).
Unfortunately, there are possible delays that could happen during our time of
construction. These delays being due to weather conditions, financial setbacks, and inspection
failure. Since the project is being done at the end of Spring and the beginning of the Summer,
there are few possibilities of tornadoes happening, and a lot of possible thunderstorms that can
occur. These setbacks due to weather conditions could cost the company approximately (x
amount of dollars). The financial setbacks that could occur during the building of the house
could be the solar paneling. After building the house and getting the inside complete, will be the

only time that we truly know weather to put them on the roof or install them into the ground
somewhere. The inspections that could lead to a delay in the opening of the house, would be the
inspection of the footer

"A Home Construction Timeline to Keep You Sane - SafeWise." SafeWise RSS.
N.p., 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
NAHB: VISION House at Armory Park Del Sol." NAHB: VISION House at
Armory Park Del Sol. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"NAHB: Valuing Green Homes for What They're Worth." NAHB: Valuing Green
Homes for What They're Worth. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

"Solar Power! Do It Yourself. Links to How-To Information on Installing Home

Solar Power." Do It Yourself Solar. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"Raeford, NC Electricity Rates." Electricity Local. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.$!

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