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Annual Professional Growth Plan Incorporating Reflection

Annual Professional Growth Plan for 2015 to 2016

Name: Paige LaRoche

Assignment and/or Career Goal: Integrate Inquiry-Based Learning

Goal: Start each unit with an inquiry activity to understand students previous knowledge and
Teaching Quality Standard Reference: Quality teaching occurs when the teachers ongoing
analysis of the context, and the teachers decisions about which pedagogical knowledge and
abilities to apply result in optimum learning by students.
Attend a professional development workshop on
inquiry based learning

1-2 events

School Administration
Alberta Teachers

Explore for inquiry teaching strategies and

activities, and test them in different units to check
the effectiveness

1 lesson
per unit

Workshop Resources
Partner Teachers
Teaching Blogs

Encourage questions in class as opposed to rote

memorization or drill and practice



Reflection/Indicator of Success
a) How successful have I been in meeting my goal?
I will judge my success by using formative assessment throughout the unit in the classroom to
see where students stand with their understanding of the topic, and pose theory-based questions
to students to check their critical understanding based off of the inquiry.
b) How has my professional practice improved?
My professional practice will improve with the implementation of inquiry learning as I will be
trying to open students eyes to different ways of approaching problems, rather than providing
them with equations and an answer sheet, allowing students to explore mathematics at a more
critical level.
c) How has student learning improved?
Including inquiry learning into the classroom provides students with better logic and problem
solving skills, and enhances their ability to think critically, not only about mathematics but every
other subject, and many tasks in the real world. Students learn to pre-analyze tasks before
approaching them concretely.
2006 The Alberta Teachers Association


2006 The Alberta Teachers Association


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