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Lets go ahead and make a new document titled FUJ Mints via
File>New Were creating a logo intended for publication on
the web in this task, so lets change our document profile to
Basic RGB.

Well need seven layers to construct our logo, so

lets generate seven using the Add Layer button
in the Layer flyout menu in the right hand
toolbar which Ive highlighted in yellow.


To begin, lets select Layer 1 and rename it

mouth by double clicking over the layer title.


Lets proceed over to our left hand toolbar, and by holding
down our left-click over the Shape Tool icon, select the
Rounded Rectangle tool.
Lets pause for a second now and calibrate our Fill and
Stroke colour selections. Start by bringing up the Color menu
by pressing F6. Well need a dark colour for our Fill as were
about to place the logos big gaping mouth. For our Stroke
well select No Stroke. Be creative with your colours!

Click and drag to lay down a rounded rectangle in the centre of

your artboard. While youre clicking and dragging a grey box
displaying your shapes dimensions will appear if your useful
Smart Guides are on.
Look to see if these are enabled by checking theres a tick
beside Smart Guides option in the View menu.
My rectangle is 300x121pt, to annoy the obsessive compulsive
among you, but feel welcome to personalise your own.




Lets go back to our Layers window, and select Layer 2 and
rename it tongue. Take this pause to revisit your Color
window and select a good fleshy tongue Fill colour.
Once youve done that lets revisit our Shape tools and
change from the Rounded Rectangle to the Ellipse tool,
which can also be accessed in future by pressing L.
Holding Shift while you click and drag when placing a shape
using the Ellipse tool will confine your creation to a perfect
circle. Better yet, if you hold Alt+Shift your circle will expand
outward from the point you clicked, for situations where you
need precise placement.
Use your Smart Guides to line up your circles placement with
the centre of your mouth (fig [i]), and place the circle using
Shift+Alt so it intrudes into the black rectangle a little (fig [ii]).


Time to revisit our Shape tools once more and select the
Rectangle Tool, which you can access into the future using
Select your circle via a simple Control + left click and locate an
anchor point on its side (fig. [i]). Well use the anchor point as
the start point of our forthcoming rectangle.
Use your Smart Guides now to place a rectangle the same
width as your tongue making sure its top intersects with the
centre point of your mouth (fig.[ii]). Now we have a lovely,
slippery tongue! (fig.[iii]).



Lets now revisit our friend the Layers window and select
Layer 3. Rename it tongue 2.
While were preparing lets change our Fill in our Colors
window to a lighter colour which compliments our first, then
head back to our Shape tools and re-select the Ellipse.
Use your Smart Guides to locate the middle of the red circle
you placed earlier, you will find it intersects with the middle of
your red rectangle (fig. [i]) Place a circle using Shift + Alt using
the middle of your circle as a starting point, aiming to make our
new circles begin to form a nice, even base for our
letter u (fig.[ii]), which you can see in fig. [iv].
Now, just like we made our tongues in Step 6, lets reselect our
Rectangle tool and locate an anchor point on our new circle.
Using this anchor point as a base, place a new rectangle the
width of your circle, making sure the top intersects with our
previous red rectangle.





Its time to progress to Layer 4. Lets rename him letter f.
Take some time now to re-select your tongues original reddish
coloured Fill from our Color window for this step. We
already have our Rectangle tool selected, so we can get this
one underway quickly.
Locate the anchor point at the top left hand corner of the red
square which forms your tongue (fig.[i]). Click and drag to form
the top arm of our F. When you place your rectangle be
mindful that its thickness should match that of your letter u
(fig. [ii])
Notice after youve placed a shape it will remain selected.
With your Rectangle tool still equipped, hold Control + Alt
and click and drag your fresh rectangle downward. A clone of
your rectangle will appear (fig. [iii]).
Using your Smart Guides align the clone with your top
rectangle to form a letter F.

Can you see the F.U.J in fig.[iv]?





Next Layer! Lets select Layer 5 and rename it teeth. Change
your Fill to white and Stroke to black. Use Control + F10 to
bring up your Stroke window and adjust your strokes weight
to create a thick line. Mines 2pt (fig.[iii])
Place a white box in the centre of your mouth. These are your

9. [iii]

Next Layer, again! Lets rename Layer 6, FUJ mint.
Use m to re-select your Ellipse tool, locate the middle of
your tongues inner circle and Alt + Shift a perfect circle.
If youd like to make your FUJ mint a funky colour, take the
chance to play around now.


proceed to Layer 7 and rename him text.
Lets make friends with our Type functions now. These are the
toolsets used for placing text.



Creating a text box is as easy as selecting the Type tool

(fig.[iii]) and then clicking where you would like to place your
text on your artboard. You can change the design of your font
in Type menu (fig. [ii]), if youd like to adjust your font type,
colour or size. These
options are also available
in the top toolbar (fig.[i])
Take a minute to play
around with these tools
until you find a font and
colour scheme you like!
If you want to move your
text, just hold Control and
then click and drag into
place. (fig. [iv])
I used 60pt Showcard Gothic .

Its almost time to celebrate! Your FUJ Mints logo is basically
together! The last step you have to undergo is to sign your
work like the artist you now realise that you are.
Select your Pencil tool and jot down a quick signature.
Remember to Control+click each time you finish a line, to make
things easy.


Were all done! Congratulate yourself!

(But not too loudly!)

1. Investigate how to place a funky Gradient to make our mint fresh and colourful
2. Investigate the Line tool and draw in the lines between the teeth inside the mouth
3. Use the Pen and Shape tools to give our mouth some eyes and a nose


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