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How do loggerhead turtles navigate around the Atlantic?

Loggerhead turtles use a magnetic sense to navigate around

the Atlantic. When the earth's magnetic field is weaker they
use their magnetic sense to determine the equator and when
they sense a change in the field all they have to do is turn.
Who developed the idea of classical conditioning ______.
Classical conditioning was developed by Ivan Pavlov (18491936). The idea of it as for dogs to learn the difference
between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned
Name the four whys of Tinbergen.
The four whys are divided into two parts.
Proximate Causation - things that trigger close to the event
and Ultimate Causation - the evolution and how it functions.
Under the Proximate Causation lies
Mechanism - how does it work?
Development - how does it develop in the individual
Under Ultimate Causation are
Function - Why is it done?
Evolution - How did the behaviour arise in a species?
What is reductionism?
This was introduced by Rene Descartes. Instead of studying a
certain topic as a whole, it is broken down into smaller parts
therefore each broken down section can be focused on
properly instead of studying the whole at once.
What is Nature vs Nurture?
A huge debate, it is an issue to what point an individual
behaviour is shaped by genes (nature) and shaped by the
environment (nuture).

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