Week 6 Review Questions

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Explain how our complex eyes are thought to have

Taking an example of a flatworm's eye which is a simple
eye spot with a few photoreceptors that evolves into our
sophisticated eyes.
What does the autonomous nervous system do?
Also known as the involuntary nervous system. This
system controls the background activity that happens
automatically in our body. For example - breathing,
digestive movement, tears.
How do nerve signals get from one neuron to the
Information carries from the 'Dendrites' (input) to the cell
body and the 'Axon' carries the information away known
as the output.
What receptors in skin are associated with the
sense of touch?
Messiner corpuscles, Merkel discs, Krause end bulbs,
root hair plexus
Explain how nerve impulses travel along a neuron.
A 'nerve implies' is known as an 'all or nothing' electrical
discharge. A nerve cells either fires or not. A series of
rapid transmission that flow along the neuron.

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