SCI140-14Lab Exercise 1

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The purposes of this exercise are 1) to give you familiarity with looking for scientific

papers online at our library and on GoogleScholar, and 2) to get some practice at
extracting information from such papers. You will use these skills in the major writing
assignment of a commentary later. We have deliberately picked a target paper that is quite
easy as far as these scientific papers go, and hopefully of some interest.
Tasks 1-3 together are worth 1%, and Task 4 is worth 5%.
Target article for exercise
Coelho, C.J., Nusbaum, H.C., Rosenbaum, D.A. & Fenn, K.M. 2012. Imagined actions
arent just weak actions: Task variability promotes skill learning in physical practice but
not in mental practice. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and
Cognition, 38: 1759-1764.
Task 1: locate and download the article by two methods, GoogleScholar and the
University library
With each method, copy and paste the urls of the links that you followed to get to the
1.1) Using GoogleScholar
Go to the GoogleScholar web site.
Copy and paste some information into the search box. In general, just the title will do.
Hit return.
From the list that GoogleScholar returns, you should see the paper that you are looking
for. And you should find a link that gives you a pdf.
List your urls here:
1.2) Using the Universitys library
Go to the librarys web site.
Click on journals.
Type in Journal Experimental Psychology (a part of the journal name) and hit return.
Find the correct journal and click on the link.
Open up the year 2012 and look for the issue that includes the pages of the target article.
Click on that issue and your target article should be on the list for downloading.
List your urls here:

Task 2: extracting information about the methods of the study
Now that you have your pdf of the target article, you can use it to answer some questions
about the nature of the study. We start with the methods of the study, found in the section
called Method.
Who were the participants in the study?
Eighty One volunteers from the University of Chicago
A crucial manipulation of the study required participants to partake in mental practice.
What is the nature of mental practice used in the study?
To physically perform a series of golf putts and to also imagine themselves performing
the same putts.
Task 3: finding background to the study
No scientific study is conceived and designed in a vacuum. All studies build on a whole
lot of previous science on the topic. Such background can be found in the crucial
reference section of a journal paper. Go to the reference section for this task.
3.1) Find one paper, based on the titles, that you think is a primary empirical paper on the
topic of mental practice, like the target article. A primary empirical paper presents data of
a study in print for the first time, with Methods and Results describing the findings. The
term in print is added because sometimes, the data have already been presented in
verbal form in a talk at a conference. Stick to journal papers rather than book chapters
because book chapters are usually not downloadable online.
List this paper here:

Now, use one of the methods in Task 1 to find this paper, and check to see if you are
correct in guessing that it is a primary empirical paper.
Was your guess correct?

3.2) Find one journal paper from the year 2000 onwards that you think is a review paper
on the topic of mental practice. A review paper, called secondary literature, presents
summaries of a whole bunch of studies that have already been done and published
List this paper here:

Now, use one of the methods in Task 1 to find this paper, and check to see if you are
correct in guessing that it is a review paper on the topic.
Was your guess correct?
3.3) Questions of basic theoretical interest, such as the effects of mental practice, may
often have practical applications. Find one journal paper from the reference list that
shows practical applications of mental practice.
List this paper here:


Now, use one of the methods in Task 1 to find this paper, and check to see if you are
correct in guessing that it is a paper that shows practical applications of mental practice.
Was your guess correct?
Task 4, and this will take some time
Write two paragraphs describing the findings of the target paper and one other empirical
paper on mental practice that is in the reference list of the target paper (with two
exceptions to be noted). Be sure to pick a primary empirical paper. Steer clear of reviews,
opinion pieces, theoretical pieces, and meta-analyses (a sure sign of a review paper).
Those are way harder to summarise. Use exactly one paragraph to describe each of the
empirical studies. Your job is to understand the key findings of the study, and describe the
gist of the methods and findings succinctly, as if these were two paragraphs in a much
bigger review of this literature, or part of an introduction to an empirical data set. You
should use the introduction of our target paper as a model, as this section often
describes relevant past literature. Paragraphs 2 and 3 on page 1760 in particular provide
models. Because Coelho and colleagues described these two studies, you are not to pick
them for your little review. Thus, Krigolson et al. (2006) and Toussaint et al. (2010) are
not allowed as choices for your assignment.

Refer to the papers that you are describing using the departmental Harvard style, both in
the paragraphs that you are writing, and at the end in a separate reference section. List all
the references that you cited (probably just two papers) in the reference section in the
departmental Harvard style as well. In particular, do not write the target paper (now
hows any nave reader supposed to figure out what that is?), one other paper or phrases
to that effect. You have to refer to the works in the departmental Harvard style.
Be sure to write the two paragraphs in your own words and not plagiarize or copy or
paraphrase from other sources. In any of the latter scenarios, marks will be deducted, or
you may not receive any marks for this assignment.
Keep these instructions in front of you as you write; we have seen too many students not
following instructions in minor or major ways.
Please upload this entire exercise, Tasks 1 to 4 all together, to the link for it in Box 15.

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