Selecting Filler Mettals PDF

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by R. Scott Funderburk Selecting Filer Metals: Matching Strength Criteria intraduction This column is the first of a series that will address topics related to filer metal selection. The foous will be on the con- cems of design engineers, beginning with filer metal stength. The strength of weld metal vs. base metals may be defined as matching, overmatching or undermatching. This column wil address ‘matching’ filer metal What is “Hatching” Strength? What is “matching strength’ filer metal? The AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions does not contain such a term, although it has been used for years. “Matching strength, on the surface, would seem {0 imply that the filler metal wil deposit wold metal of the exact strength as (or matching’) the base metal. Codes have tables with ists of matching filer metals, such as the AWS D1.1 Siructural Welding Code ~ Stee, Table 3.1, a8 do various filer metal suppl ers. A careful review of AWS D1.1, Table 3.1, shows that the matching electrodes do not deposit welds with ‘exactly the same strength as the base metal, and in reality, this is not what is meant by “matching In Table 3.1, A36 and AS70 Gr. 50 are both listed in the Group I category. “Matching filer metal is shown a both E60 and E70 electrode and fluxlelectrode classifications. 36 and ‘A570 Gr. 50 have different minimum specified yield and tensile strengths, 2s do E80 andsE70 filer metals. Obviously, matching cannot be as sim- ple as ‘matching’ the base metal strength (see Table 1). While AWS D1.1 calls the preceding combinations “matching,” clearly the minimum specified weld metal proper ties are not the same as the minimum specified base metal properties. The ‘matching combinations for AWS D1.1, Table 3.1, Group lil materials provide some additional insight, where the min- | Mey Goncepts in Welding Engineering imum specified filer metal properties are more closely matched fo the base metal, and the tensie strength values are very similar (see Table 2). All of the preceding examples are considered "matching." although the degree of match is different. The ffatching tensiie strengths sften do not result in matebing yield strengths ‘common element is that the minimum Specified tensile strength of the filler ‘metal is always the same as or greater than the minimum specified tensile Table 1. FilleriBase Metal Strength Comparison in AWS D1.1, Table 3.1, Group I. Base Metal “Matching” Filler Metal AWS 01.1, Table 3.1, Group! E60, Fy =48 ksi(390MPa) | E70, Fy = 58 ksi (400 MPa) eo Ye] ea Teas || ee [we [mm Tas er Taare sn | en | san || Mean 2i Steyn | Mats2¥ | goim) oy otsan || CME | Pe wan ese nis g (135 MPa) less (70 MPa) fess wa |i 55 jsa| conn | enn || weisz | vedas Gets) “tas | “ay |] tones | cewayns | NE) | COMP) Wording Innovation Vol. AVI, Ho. Z, 1859 Table 2. FillerBase Metal Strength Comparison in AWS 1.1, Table 3.1, Group Ill Base Metal “Matching” Filler Metal AWS D1.1, Table 3.1, Group Ill Fu = 80 ksi (550 MPa) Tal, —] aa oe ce rrct5| simnie) | wrnos || unis | wieewnnt acca] ons | vomn6a [] these | plier Strength of the base metal. The com- Parison is of the “minimum specified Properties” not the actual properties of the delivered steel, or of the deposited weld metal. Since these are minimum properties, actual deposited welds on the actual steel will routinely exceed thage values. ‘Matching tensile strengths often do not result in matching yield strengths because the yield-to-tensile ratio for most hot rolled steels is lower than that of most as-deposited welds. Therefore, ‘a match of both yield and tensile strength is improbable. However, for higher strength steels, the yield-to-ton- sile ratio typically approaches the val- tues for welds and provides for a closer snatch of both the yield and tensile strengths. Table 3 shows the average yield-to-ensile ratio for all the base metals contained in Groups | and Ill and the corresponding matching filer metals of the AWS D1.1-98 Code, ‘Table 3.1. The difference between the filer metal and base meta! yield-to-ten- sile ratio is much fess of the higher strength combination (Group tll) than. that of the mild steel combination (Group I) as shown by the percent dif- ference (% Diff.) Ultimately, matching compares weld and base metal properties. However, ‘welds are not specified per se filer metals are. Thus, tables of malching products typicaly are called ‘matching filler metals? not “matching weld metals" Joints Requiring Matching Filler Metal ‘The need for matching filler metals is dependent upon joint type and ioading condition. AWS D4.1, Table 2.3 “Allowable Stresses in Nontubular Connection Welds" shows that match- ing filer metal is required for only one ‘combination of loading and joint type ~ tension loading of CJP groove welds, but is permitted for all other welds and loading conditions. Thus, a simple conclusion could be to always use ‘matching filler metal. However, this may preclude better options such as tundermatching combinations where cracking tendencies may be mini- mized. A common misuse of tables of matching filer metals occurs when Fy = BB TOM) other options are never considered, Particularly for high strength materials (©70 ksi [480 MPa} yield), under- ‘a{ching filer metals may sigificantly reduce cracking tendencies. Actual vs. Minimum Specified Properties ‘The traditional definition of “matching” ‘compares minimum specified proper- ties, not actual properties, For most applications, this hae proven to be adequate, even though, based on actual properties of either the base ‘metal or the weld, the weld may be the A commen inisuse of tables of matehing filer metals occurs when other options ere never considered lower strength element. For example, ‘A572 Gr. 50 with matching strength E70 filler metal may have matching, tundermatching or overmatching rela- fionships, based on actual properties. In theory, specified service loads would be limited to some percentage of the minimum specified yield or ten- Table 3. Varying yield-to-tensile ratios prevent matching both the yield and tensile strengths (data from AWS D1.1-98, Table 3.1). son Eye Group (old see) Group tt (igher stent 7 “Based on minum spected waves eae Tu daeuacc Weld Fyut ‘at 60 80 oa em 88 a eS &% Welding Innavation Wo). XVI, Ma. 2, 1293 sie strength, If this were the case, the weaker component in the system ‘would not limit the design even at the maximum design load. This is not necessarily the case for welded components that are expected {0 be loaded into the inelastic range, Examples would include components in buildings subject to inelastic (plastic) deformations in erge earthquakes, and roll-over protection devices on con- struction equipment. Under these ‘severe loading conditions where yield ing is expected, itis preferred that such deformations be distributed throughout the base metal, and therefore, the undermatching combination shown in Table 4 may be unacceptable. Further definition of matching properties as a function of the actual materials may be necessary. For high strenoth materials...under- matching filler metals may reduce cracking tendencies Itis sometimes desirable to evaluate actual, or typical, properties of bese metals and filler metals. For example, an electrode classified as an E70 (such as E71T-1) may also meet E60 Table 4, Matching (M), Undermatching (U) and Overmatoting (O) tensile strength ‘combinations for A572 Gr. 50 with E70 filer metal. E70 Filler Metal - Strength Levels Base Metal -AS72 Gr. 50 Mii Medium High Toisi(480 MPa) | 804si(G80 MPa) | s0Ksi @Z0MPa) Min. ~ 65 si (450 MP2) u ° ° 6 E | Wet sonsesonen) u M ° igh 90 ks (20 MPa) u u M requirements, For an application where E80 is required, the E70 prod- uct could be used, providing there is adequate assurance that the deposit- ed weld metal will stil deliver E80 properties given variability in the pro- duction of the filar metal, 2s well as differences in procedures. ‘The yield and tensile strength proper- ties for the base and weld metal are all determined by standard tensile test coupons, uniaxially loaded, slowly strained, smooth specimens. Under different conditions of loading, and with diffrent geometries, these mechanical properties will vary, gener- ally resulting in higher yield and tensile strengths and reduced ductility. Matching strength is not formally defined by AWS. However, the accepted interpretation is that the filer metal tensile strength will be equal to or greater than that of the base metal. The need for matching filler metal is dependent upon the joint type and loading condition, and itis generally required for CJP groove welds in ten- sion applications. Matching can be sed for most applications, but in ‘some cases, it may not be the most ‘economical or conservative choice. BM Welding Imovation Vol. KVI, Mo. 2, 1598 Consumables for welding high strength steels by Lars-Erik Svensson, Esab AB, Goteborg, Sweden For many there strength of the base metal. For eral presentation ofthe relation- fee penn dees toe the 690 MPa grade of stel, there | ship between microstructure and been | are few cansumabies which aver- | mechanical properties will be crease the use of high match the strength of the steel, | made. strength steels in differ. | wie ll math he ough i requirements Instead, mat ent applications. Obvi- raid Geta aie ted) is Ba Microstructure and me- ously, by increasing the raised the question of the structu- | Chanical properties strength of the steel, ral integrity ofthese Joint, as its) | In order to understand the rela- : thought that the weld metal has {| tionship between microstructure thinner, more economi- | jgyertoughness than the steel.) | and mechanical properties some cal solutions can be Research programs which are ad- | typical microstructures from weld created. There are cur- | ‘rsing this problem are curent- | metals with diferent yet ly in progress In this context, | strengths are shown in Figure 1. rently many examples of | 2ntsiBcordevclopmen can | Alluhemigogrphs mere taken welded structures made | also be seen. Apart from looking | Inthe last deposited bead, in or from steels with a yield |. for vermaching weld meas der toaold he nen of eat there is also a cal from fabrica- | treatment from subsequently de strength of up to 690 torsto we more high prodictvty]| posted beads The mkrosuctre MPa. Although very processes for welding these steels | | Inthe last deposited bead is how- thin plates are used in mainly cored wires and sub- ever, generally only part ofthe F merged are welding. Some results | total microstructure of a welded many cases in these con- | ofinvestigations inthis field has | joint. When multipass welding is structions, resulting in a | been dealt with inthis paper. used, the weld metal contains a low risk of brittle frac- The second line of develop- number of beads cach of which rent isto enhance the yield contains a number of subzones in ture, there are also some | finsthiomakeiteven higher | which the weld meal has been large types of construc- ‘than 690 MPa, Steels with a yield reheated to different peak tem- tion, such as submarines, strength of 900, 1,000 and 1,100 erature. ‘This produces a com- Staal MPa and good impact toughness / | plex pattern of zones which mi in which thick plates are | Ycurentymalinie onthe. | havediferen properiss Fur used. ‘market. The applications for these | thermore. the welding procedure sieels inchide mobile cranes,con- | als influences the size and pro- In these heavy plate structures, veyor systems and roof supports. y | portions ofthe various zones, as the risk of brittle fracture has ‘These steels are currently welded | | Well asthe microstructure within been assessed thoroughly. using | with undermatching consumables | | each zone. conventional impact toughness and the welds therefore have to Sa, the mechanical properties testing fracture mechanics testing | be placed in low-stress sections, | of different weld metals must be and detonation tests It is general-) } There i also a drive towards the | compared with great care. The ly believed that a stee! with high- | | use of heavy plates with these microstructure;which is depen: er strength also requires greater | very high strengths. The need for | dent onthe chemical composition toughness, compared witha lower 4 | _ higher strength consumables is and cooling conditions is just one strength steel then likely o increase. factor which influences the me There are several lines of de- Tn this paper, consumables pro- | chanical properties The welding velopment which increase the ducing weld metals with a yield | procedure including the number, need for new welding consum- Strength of 690 MPa and above | size and placement of beads, ables with a strength level of 690 | tas been presented. ‘The mechani- | Just as important. Inthe case of MPa and above. The firsts the cal properties of different welding | manual welding, the welder hie wider use of 690 MPa steels (1). | procedures has been given and} self them can have a major infu For most applications there isa | the relationship between strength} ence. requirement for weld metal ‘and Impact toughness has been Despite these difficulies some strengrh which overmatches the ) | discussed, Firs. however, a gen- | _ general conclusions onthe effect Sweeuranan tenn 6 23 (@) a weld metal witha yield strenge af 460-550 MPa containing allowiamorphic ferrite, Widmanstiten fete and acicular Ierte ().2 weld metal wath a yield strength of 690 MP, with a mbature of acicular ferrite, balite and martensite in he merostucture (0) a weld metal witha yeld strength of around $00 MPa, with a microstructure consisting of a mixture of bane and macien- ste fof microstructure on mechanical alloying content and cooling rate | in which the weld metal was de- properties can Ge drawn, In Fig. | ofthe weld metal. Asa very gen- | posted. tre 1a the three most typical mi- ° | eral rule of thumb, a weld metal “Two main mechankms are erostnictural constituents are ‘with ths type of appearance will | available for strengthening a low- ~ seen: allotriomorphic ferrite have a yield strength (YS) of ap- | alloyed C-Mn weld metal: grain. ‘along the prior austenite grain proximately 450-850 MPaand an | refinement and solld solution boundaries Widmanstaten side | -uldmate tensile srength (UTS) of | hardening. Particle dispersion + plates and acieular ferrite The ‘§(8700 MPaThe ductility, eas- | hardening shoul be possible to ‘weld metal is of the basic type sured as A5, 1s about 25% and the | apply in principle, but it generally and therefore has a relatively low | area reduction at fracture (Z) is, leads to unacceptably low impact content of non-metallic ncli- ‘approximately 70%. Allthese val- { toughness. Grain refinement is sions. The percentage ofthe vari- | ues are just guldelines and will | achieved by making the alloy ‘ous constituents varies with the | vary with the precise condidons | more hardenable, so that the transformations occur at a lower temperature. As a result, lager boas amount ofthe fine-grained acieu- * Prodact Process Chemal compliion (6)"'~*Michaaical propétit Jar ferrite can be formed. If the 5 amount of alloying content is SNe ee Me Be, RVC | even higher, bainite or martensite aes an ee ae |e ose ig 21 035 04 755. 620 Acicula ferste the most ij ablematic constituent to con OKFix1062 SAW 01 13 2206 05 700° Tus’ as |} | BR) OkMiod ites MEW Oa7 1g 23°" G8) “Homin “Hom 47 1801. The exact mechanisms which OK Rbred 527° FCW O06 16 25 2 = 7H) wD are involved in the formation of (a.-sr¢" | this phase are still not under- Pzous FCW. Q06 16 22. 08 0S eimin. 770900 50 stood. a of (ase) saweld OK Antrod 1329 GMAW 606 13, 12 -03''02, 750°” 620 Pigue Wesbom eee oe 03° 03, gq] wthays of approcmately 690 O Aurel 281 GMAW 0117) 19° 936-08!" as9 80 MPa.a UIS of around 500 MPa, teeae) | a dutty of 20% anda reduc s MMA 00-21 31:08 08. gan ., 65 ton in area of about 60%, This ROW N07. 23,1005) 98, ‘weld metal is alloyed with nickel, ‘Table 1. Summary of consumables fr welitng sees witha yeld strength oF chromium and molybdenum, in- (90 MPa or above creasing the contribution by solid 30 Srotaren Na 19 solution hardening to strength. For the most part, however, strength is increased by an in- crease inthe propottion of low= temperature transformation phas es The allotriomorphic ferrite along the prior austenite grain boundaries has essentially van- Ished, as has the Widmanstatten ferrite, The microstructure now Consists of a mixture of acicular ferrite, bainite and martensite. Figure le shows a weld metal essentially comprising bainite and martensite, with a YS of 900 MPa, a UTS of about 1,000 MPa, a duc Lllty of 189% and a reduction in area of around 55%, ‘These examples show that itis possible, at least to some extent, to connect mechanical properties to microstructure. However, there are some points that should de discussed in greater detail. The firs isthe tensile properties They are generally measured with lon: ‘pitudinal tensile bars with a 10 mm gauge diameter. Normally, this means that many zones are ‘sampled and the mechanical data are an average of the individual values in these zones. However, in certain situations, smaller size specimens are used, sampling few- er zones. In very special situatlons, depending on the exact welding procedure, more or less fully ‘weld-normalised microstructures ‘ean be sampled, thereby produc- {ng far lower strength than if the full weld metal structure had been ‘examined, This risk is particularly ‘great for weld metals of lower strength. For higher strength ‘welds the difference in properties between the different zones di- ‘minishes, due to the higher hard- enabilty of the alloys. This can be substantiated by the hardness variations from the face to the root through the three types of ‘weld metal from Figure 1. Ths is shown in Figure 2. Needless to say. the weld metals have different hhardnesses, but the variation in Ihardness along each line is more Interesting. As can be seen, there Js less scatter in the harder alloys, Which means that there is Jess variation between different zones for these alloys. Consequently, they are less sensitive to tensile test specimen size. Seearen Nat 180 | Proce Consumable Heat lnpet Pluie Mechaskal Comments Cem) haem open MMA OK 7515 270 SBMS PwHT BIUS5C BOTCLBD MMA OK 75.18 1s 18 M28MPAUTS 36 portion SUC FAW FZ6UB 12-30 BMPAUTS 36 poston se uate . FCAW 15 OSS MPAUTS") 1G poston soysore MCW OK TMbrod 1403 1.2 18 B19MPauTs®) 85.40" SAW ang 28 30 BSLMPAUTS 1G postion 15 4075 V4" +) Tense strength a transveretentl tet. Table 2. Summary of some welding procedures using consumables for welding ‘high strength siels The results of te mechanical tests relate a9 the weld metal, tuness otherwise sate, VICKERS HARDNESS. ‘Figure 2 Hardness developmen through the three weld metals in Figure 1. The dif- {erence in hardness reflec the diffrence in strength. The variation in hardness _along the line of measurement reflects te sensivity ofeach weld metal the heat Benerated by subsequent passes ‘The variation in hardiness bet- “The factors which control im. ‘ween different zones also has an | pact toughness are diffcult co effect on what is perhaps the present cleary and briefly. The ‘most important property for weld | basic microstructure naturally has metals, namely impact toughness. | a major influence as a result of Its far more difficult to give a grain size dependence: a finer number to the impact toughness. | grain size produces higher impact, for the three types of alloy in g-") | toughness. When lower tempera- ure 1 than to the tensile proper: ture transformation products, ties, as the impact toughness is such as bainite and martensite, leven more process dependent. appear on a larger scale in the at ‘cast microstructure, impact toughness fs generally reduced. To obtain an acceptable impact toughness for these phases, other measures Impact toughness at ~40°C (J) several welding proceses. 2 Paton et gare 3 Impact toughness at -40°C, measured at several postions across a welded Joint. The plate on the left-hand se was wrought while he right-hand plate was must be taken, such as using a very low carbon content. Increas- {ng the addition of alloys to in- crease strength usually reduces 800 = 900 Yield strength (MPa) Impact toughness, with the excep- tion of nickel, which tends to in- crease it. It is usually claimed that {increased strength rescits ina re- duction in impact toughness but this depends on the mechanism that is responsible for the in- crease in strength, Impact tough- ‘ness also depends on the size of ‘non-metalic inclusions. This is de- termined by the basicity of the slag system (or oxygen potential of the gas) and the heat input. Recently, the effect of minor ele- ‘ments on impact toughness has attracted a great deal of interest. ‘There are also factors such as emn- brittling elements like nitrogen and the actual welding process. also appears to have some influ- ‘ence. Processes with higher pro- ‘ductivity may have a somewhat lower impact toughness. Howev- ‘er, many details relating to the in- fluence of the above factors asso- clated with toughness have not been clarified. 1000-1100 ‘Figure 4 Groph showing the relationship between yield strength and impact toughness fer weld metals wth a yield strength of ‘more than 690 MPa, Tis Hlusrates that high Impact toughness values can be obalned for hgh strength weld meals using Stearen No-2 1900

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