Debrief Questions Everest 1 (Virtual Team)

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Debrief Questions Everest 1

(Virtual Team)
Answer the following questions after participating in the 1st Everest
simulation (12 April to 20 April).
Use your responses to draft an individual Team Contract. The Team
Contract form will be available to download from the course website.
Your responses will also be a useful reference when writing your
Everest assessment paper.
1. Describe how your team organised themselves to participate in Everest 1.
a) How did you communicate with each other?
b) Did you help organise the team or did someone else do this? Why was this
person (you or other) the organiser?
Leanne (group leader)
c) Will you or your team do anything differently to prepare for Everest 2?
Likely to be more informed, thorough
The Simulation
1. How did you communicate with each other during the simulation?
The online chat window
2. How did you find working with, or observing your team? What made it a
positive or negative experience?
Team was very engaged, positive experience.
3. How engaged were you and your team members with the simulation? Were
you satisfied with you and your group members commitment and interaction?
Tried to engage but found myself ignored for the most part. Satisfied with
commitment but not interaction
4. Did you or any of your team members experience conflict (or as an Observer,
did you observe conflict) about what to do or how to proceed? If yes, how was
this conflict resolved?

Not really
Everest Simulation Debrief Questions Everest 1 11
5. Did you or any of your team members experience emotions (or as an
Observer, did you observe emotions) such as anger, frustration, annoyance, or
other feelings? If yes, describe what happened:
Not really
6. How did you make decisions during the simulation? (ie, consensus, voting,
leader decides)
Ideas were suggested and then the group discussed
7. Were you satisfied with your team leader? Why or why not?
For the most part, effectively listened to inputs (bar mine) and made
8. How do you feel about your role?
Seems useless
9. Are you satisfied with your performance as an individual? Why or why not?
Did as much as I could
10. Do you think your team was successful? Why or why not?
Little of both, group seemed to bond very quickly
11. What have you learned from Everest 1 that you will apply to Everest 2?

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