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Rami Badran


Topic Sentences
1. Though Science often times makes fiction a reality, the technology to create blood
sucking fiends of the night or to reincarnate dead presidents (blood sucking creatures of
the day) is decades or perhaps centuries away
2. More important, would this be moral?
3. If scientist were stupid enough to make nuclear bombs and olestra, whats to prevent
them from making a race of slaves?
4. To prevent or inhibit these [Natural] rights (cutting a birds wing off, forcing a sloth to
run on a treadmill) would be a violation of this right and thus be immoral.
5. However, being the masters of hypocrisy that we are, when the rights of humans are
violated the trumpet of righteousness blares, particularly when the right in question is the
right to choose your destiny
6. Because these factors are similar in humans, it would be quite simple to make a headless
human embryo, one that can make hearts, lungs and kidneys but not a brain and therefore
no consciousness.
8. Many are attacking this foreseeable procedure.
9. We would instead be making machines like toasters, incredibly useful machines such as
hearts and lungs that will save lives

Rami Badran

The Main point of the Essay

The main point of the essay is to argue that the science of human cloning should not be
looked at the same way one can view abortion or other controversial topics, because cloning is
different. Abortions and sciences of the like rely on having to injure a technically living or
conscious entity. While in cloning, the scientists will be taking the organs out of bodies that
have no brains: ergo no conscious: as if they were harvesting plants.
Types of evidence used
He uses some logical evidence but it is distorted in polemic tactics. Instead just informing the
reader of the evidence he is basing his claims on, he uses phrases to help characterize the
procedure in a certain rather than actually inform the reader of any discernible fact. Allusions to
the unrelated are also presentAnimal Rights, What-ifs, Slavery. The paper is supposed to be
about a scientific study and its morality: isolated from other areas of debate.

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