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Motor Block

Circumference of wheel: 6.91 inches

360 degrees per 6.91 inches per 10 feet
= 3252 degrees
This is the motor block. Under that are
settings of the motor block. As you can
see I set the motors to rotate 3252
degrees which as you can see from my
calculations above, is equal to about ten
feet. This was to make the robot move
exactly ten feet.

Light Sensor

This is the light sensor. It detects what shade something on the ground is. For a white piece of
tape, I got a 43. For the grey ground, I got
a 73. I made a program so that the robot
moves forward and if it senses a white
piece of tape, it will stop.
The program below is made to move forward until it detects a piece of white tape, then stop, then
play the good job
sound file.

Sound Sensor
This is the sound sensor. It can detect sounds and then activate other blocks after it.
For my program, I had the robot move forward, then stop when it heard a sound

greater than 62 decibels.

Sound Sensor
This is the touch sensor. When pressed, released, or bumped, the robot will complete
the designated action. For my program, I had the robot move forward and if the touch

sensor was pressed, it would stop moving.

Parallel Processing:
Parallel processing is the simultaneous use of more than one CPU or processor core to
execute a program or multiple computational threads.

As you can see here, we explored with parallel

processing within mindstorms. We each created a program
that would be able to sense sound and levels of light at the
same time. If the robot sensed light, it would back up, then go
forward. If it sensed sounds, it would instead stop, then go

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