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Bring your bric-a-brac to the theory shack.

A pedagogy of curation
Ethnographic, reflexive media learning
Embracing a porous expertise
. creates a space for the kinds of civic
engagement that top down media education
finds harder to reach.

Power | Struggle

Its Complicated

Porous Dual Adaptation (Mediaptation)

Writer | Reader

Media | Citizen

Teacher | Student Expert | Inexpert

Co-opting each other in pursuit of objectives

Managing and embedding official with organic
Creating (and curating) NEW frames of reference (double articulations)
Example - Occupy
Some forms of mainstream media policy are adopted and adapted at
protest camps. At the same time, protest camps create the power to
enforce their own standards on to the media, which has to adapt to
protest camps heterogeneity and refusal to speak with one voice.
Feigenbaum, Frenzel and McCurdy, 2013: 224.

Intervention : Bring and Buy Democracy

Intervention : Bring and Buy Democracy

I definitely feel that I question all forms of media a lot more now as
I know that gate keeping and agenda setting can occur , I think the
philosophies of Plato and Zizek especially made me think twice
about all forms of media.
I think it's a good approach to learning about the media, as the
younger generation have grown up with it a lot more than the older
generation, therefore, there is a lot that we know from the media
because it's something that is accessed everyday for a number of
hours. I think it's reasonable as things can be learnt either way.
I would say that the media to more of an expert on would be the
interactive media, like social media, apps on phones or other
forums on the internet that are targeted more at the younger
I felt the examples I had through the use of social networks I use on
a daily basis helped me link with the theorists on a more personal
thus helping me remember them and along with the

Intervention : Bring and Buy Democracy

I think the bric a brac idea provides more autonomy for the
learner which is an ethos, as an educator I prefer. However, there
are some limitations to this idea in the way that students need
nurturing to fully participate. Additionally, I think students should
take more of an active role effectively researching, developing and
sharing ideas.
I dont think I was more of an expert per se however I felt the idea
of both the student both working together as experts/ the teacher
helping the students be experts was an interesting idea and
certainly did help in preparation for the exam.
Being taught this way has made me not want to use the internet
as much as I would usually, from learning about Merrin, Morozov
and Curtis my eyes where opened to the fact about what I put on
the internet can affect my life in later stages.
Digital technology is often seen as a way of taking knowledge and
power form the educator (by how I would describe old school
teachers) and therefore avoidance is a tactic I see continually.

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