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Iliana Levenson


A very strange Day

I watched the tiny raindrops splatter on the only window in the room as the teacher
droned on and on when suddenly students started being called out of class one by one. After
about ten minutes of this I was suddenly called out. When they called me out at first I had no
idea what they wanted to talk to me about because I had been a pretty good kid and I hadnt
gotten into any trouble at all so far this year which made me scared and confused. They took me
down to the bottom level of the school which I dont usually go on so it was unfamiliar anyway
but then the man I was walking with, who was very tall and muscular, started taking me down a
hallway that I had never ever seen before that led us to a very dark cellar deep under the bottom
of the school. They sat me down in the dark on what I assumed to be a chair and then turned on
the lights. When they turned on the lights I saw everyone who had been taken out of my class
sitting in rows behind and in front of me then a door opened from the side of the room and in
walked a very short woman who was dressed in a very dark pencil skirt and a very white button
up shirt, and she was holding a long black pointer like the ones that you usually see in movies
that the mean strict teachers hold. The woman had started talking but I hadnt been listening
because I was to caught up in what was happening and what the room looked like because it was
still a very dark room that was muddy and wet on the floor and smelled like the dirt that the room
appeared to be made out of. A few minutes later the woman said something abut training to go
out of orbit which only being in sixth grade I didnt really understand, but I decided that I should
probably start listening.

The woman kept talking and I kept listening and as time passed I started understanding
that they were sending the ten students in the room including me intospace! I was terrified
because I could barely manage to get myself on rollercoasters much less off the planet and into
an unknown world with no gravity. After the woman explained that we were chosen for this
mission because we were the smartest and best behaved students in the seventh grade they let us
go home because that was the end of the school day. When I got home my mom and dad were
sitting in front of my at the kitchen table and I was so excited to tell them what had happened but
when I tried to my mom told me to sit down and listen. It turns out they had known about this
mission for abut a week now, and they had thought long and hard about whether or not they were
going to let me go on the trip but eventually they had agreed to let me go! I ran straight up to my
room and started thinking about what they were going to have us do once we were up in space,
and I concluded that they were either going to have us land on a planet or fix something on
maybe a space station that had already been up there for a while; turns out that I was almost
completely wrong. I say almost completely wrong because we were going to another planet but it
was to try to discover new life and see if anything was there, and it turned out that we were going
to have to take a lot of notes and a lot of specimens to take back to Earth. I hated writing and
taking notes but I decided that it was so worth it because they wanted me in space!

After about two more months of training for zero gravity and what we might face on this
other planet we were finally ready to go to space. After we left Earth it took us about a week to
get to this new planet, but when we got there it was amazing! There were trees left and right and
a bunch of new animals no one had ever seen before, and it was like walking into a completely
different universe. The little rover they had sent with us led us to a tar-pit deep within the planets

forest and it told us to wait there until dark and then at dark we had to scream as loud as we
could, and at the time this seemed like it was going to be amazing and fun but that was until we
realized what was going to happen when we screamed. It was finally dark on the planet, so it was
only us students on the whole planet that were awake, and we decided it was time to scream so
we did. As we had suspected when we screamed it had awaken something deep in the tar-pit that
was coming at us right this second! When the beast finally got to the top of the tar-pit we
couldnt do anything but stand and stare at it which wasnt the best move because right away the
beast ended up swallowing little Johnny S. whole, but that was the least of our troubles because
the beast ended up walking out of the tar-pit and ended up chasing us all the way out of the
jungle before we finally lost it behind a mountain. We decided it was time to make shelter for the
night, and so we ended up building a cave out of rocks and sleeping in that. When we woke up
the next morning the rover led us back to the space shuttle and we wanted to go home but the
fuel tank was empty so we had to wait about another five hours for it to fill up. When the tank
was finally full we went home, and when we go there all the students and the teachers were
standing outside the launch pad cheering us on! Later that say we went home, got some rest, and
decided to go back to school tomorrow.

At school that next day it seemed as though the rover had a camera in it, because they all
were sad that Johnny had-been eaten.

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